Magnificent Moments of Mom

In Back to School by savvysassymoms150 Comments

Moms all have their crazy, stressed, happy, lazy, brilliant, silly, funny, resourceful, wacky, savvy, sassy, crabby, strong, helpful, emotional, and frustrating moments, just to name a few.  We are extremely hard on ourselves and no matter how much we manage to accomplish in a day it never seems to be enough.

But let’s think positive here, we all have our “Magnificent Mom Moments”  too.  You know, those moments when you really shine and you look around hoping someone is watching to see what an amazing job you’re doing.

Here are my 3 Moments when I feel like a Magnificent Mom!

1.  Traveling –  Traveling with kids sounds like a nightmare to most and it’s a pretty intense operation, one that requires a very savvy and resourceful mom.  I’m not saying I’ve perfected it, but making last minute reservations and packing up the kids comes easier to me than making dinner.   I would much rather navigate an unfamiliar city and explore new places with the kids than navigate my way through a crowded theme park.

2.  Parent Participation –  Someone once gave me a note pad that reads”  Stop me before I volunteer again!”  This makes me giggle because it is so true, and I’m sure I am not alone.  I always want to help and saying NO is so difficult because helping makes me feel so good!   My children may not fully understand, but they see my involvemant and I feel this is one area where I lead by example.

3.  Family Activities–   I am quite savvy at sourcing fun things things to do on the weekends which I refer to as “Fellman Family Fun”.   I like to find unique places to go and new activities for the kids to try.  We don’t sit still for very long, I always want to know what is happening  locally, what kid friendly events are within driving distance and what can we do?   Lucky for us we live in Los Angeles so there is always plenty to do that we hardly do the same thing twice.

When do YOU feel like a Magnificant Mom?

“Fill the Backpack”
Over $300 value Backpack Giveaway!

How to Enter
.  Leave a Comment telling me about a  “Magnificent Mom Moment”

Extra Entry
Like Ziploc on Facebook – they think you are magnificent!
3.  Re-tweet this Giveaway on Twitter

(leave comment telling me you did so)

*This post was inspired by Ziploc, check out their ideas and recipes for quick and easy ways to get more out of the things you do for your family every day. They want to hear from YOU so visit them on Facebook and share your own magnificent moments with them.

What’s in the backpack?

  • FoxEntertainment is including both Diary of a Wimpy Kid & Marmaduke DVDs in our backpacks.
  • Popchipsdonated a variety pack of popchips & variety of coupons to each backpack.
  • Every backpack will include BitDefender, security software for your PC.
  • Orange Circle Studio is sending winners a “Do it all” planner & a family calendar.
  • The backpack will include a variety of notebooks, folders, and binders from Carolina Pad.
  • Rose Art is sending you back to school with glitter markers, dry erase board, and fun Color Blanks.
  • Every backpack will include a $25 Credit! Perfect for helping your community’s schools!
  • DreamSakes is giving winners 20 free artwork scans! These are a great way to save or share your child’s masterpieces!
  • Sun and Earth is sending a sampler pack to each winner.
  • FamZoo, an online allowance management site, is including a year long membership
  • Simon & Schuster added a great book, “E is for Ethics,” that will have you and your kids thinking!
  • The backpack will contain either a LeapFrog Tag Reader with book set and US map, OR a LeapFrog
    Explorer with 2 games! (Penguins of Madagascar and Toy Story 3)
  • Stonyfield Farms included coupons, awesome recycled plastic storage containers, & a few other surprises!
  • Silver Dolphin added the “Human Body” book, and “Facts to Annoy your Teacher” books. Both are for kids!
  • Sample tastes from Arizona Kids, Bear Naked, Cal Naturale Svelte, …

… and more to come! I’ll be adding to this list as more products are added by our sponsors


*This Contest will end September 5th at 11:59 pm
**This Contest is open to US Residents only

Disclosure:  Fill the Backpack is sponsored by Ziploc and 20th Century Fox.  Our sponsors have generously contributed to this campaign through products, monetary compensation and have made The Dream Classroom Contest possible, cash prizes to be awarded through  Participating brands have contributed products to all 8 bloggers and within the 16 backpacks.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I felt like a Magnificent Mom last week when I went into an ice cream place with all 3 kids and the man working behind the counter said I looked like a mom who really enjoys being a mom. I do!

  2. I had a great Magnificent Mom Moment yesterday on my son’s first day back to school! We had a breakfast to welcome the kids back to school and I volunteered to decorate. I had many compliments on the decorations and even a couple of emails after the event! But the best was the looks on the kids faces!

  3. I felt like a magnificient mom last Sunday. I got all 4 kids ready for church in the morning and made it on time for Sunday school. After service I received a comment on my facebook page from a church member. It said that my kids were beautifully behaved and we need more moms like me. She also called me supermom. It really made my day.

  4. Retweeted your giveaway, liked Ziploc on FB

    I feel like a Magnificent Mom when my kids say they LOVE what I cooked. It is such a small thing, but it makes me feel magnificent!

  5. I retweeted this and followed ziplock…

    I felt like a magnificent mom when I bought my tot a basket of strawberries at the store and she gave me a big kiss and said “you’re the best, mama.”

  6. Today I felt like a magnificent Mom when I managed not to cry when I dropped my daughter off at school. She WARNED me not to do it and even though my eyes welled up, I held it together…till I got to the car.

  7. I “like” Ziploc on FB too. They are great for gathering box tops for school! We use zillions of them every year.

  8. I felt like a magnificent mom the dad my son could really rely on me and I taught him some care stuff which dad usually does who is out at sea (navy family) I realized Iam stronger than I thought!
    sultansmom at gmail dot com

  9. Retweeted on twitter @hybrid79

    sultansmom at gmail dot com

  10. My Mom Moment is teaching my child to write and read. I homeschool my children and this is the first one that I have ever had to teach how to write. He gets so happy when he learns a new letter. As soon as his dad walks in the door he has to show him the new letter he can write.

  11. I feel like a MagMom when I have focused uninterupted time with my son, when I just lose myself in the moment, think like a little boy and just go with the flow. I treasure those moments and so does he! I also volunteer quite a bit at my son’s school and am heading up the Gala this year-I feel like this makes a huge difference in his life and the lives of other kids!

  12. My magnificent mom moment is when all 3 girls are bathed and ready for bed. We are reading a story and I think to myself, Wow! What a great day we had. No matter what happened during the day, we are all together enjoying the minutes before bec. Life is good.

  13. I feel like a super mom when all my kids have friends over and I have 10 kids running around They think I’m the best, everyone else thinks I’m the best.

    The truth is, it is easier with more kids around. Simply feed every two hours and they stay happy!

  14. My moment has to be when my little girls wake up every morning. They search the house to find me and are so happy to see me, and share their love and kisses. Also the other day my 4 yr old exclaimed, “We Are a Good Family!” YAY!!

    mattles22 at yahoo dot com

  15. I feel like a magnificent mom when my daughter and I take nature walks. We walk through trails and just talk. She loves it and so do I.

  16. I feel like a magnificent mom (and grandma) everyday when my daughter-in-law comes to pick up my 2 year old grandson and he throws a fit to stay with grandma.

  17. We went school supply shopping this week and we manage to get everything on our lists in one day and get new clothes for school as well as get groceries for the week. Everything fell into place perfectly and there were no fights or injuries between the four kids.

  18. I have a Magnificent Mom Moment when I can make my kids smile that smile that everyone of us moms love and see that little twinkle of amazement in their eyes

  19. I had a Magnificent Mom Moment when I flew to Florida in June to visit my family by MYSELF on two regional jets with my then 8 month old and 2.5 yr old daughters. 5 mins into the first flight the DVD player died because I had forgotten to charge it and it was only source of entertainment for the entire trip. After surviving both flights we were waiting in baggage claim when a women came up to me and said “I was on both of your flights and I just wanted to tell you that your children did a wonderful job and were extremely well behaved”. It wasn’t exactly WHAT she said that made me feel so Magnificent, it was the fact that she took the time to say it and that my own mother was there to witness such a wonderful compliment from a total stranger.

  20. I felt like a magnificent mom when a neighbor said they were amazed at how well I manage 4 kids, a dog, a cat, a husband and a part time job. I sometimes feel like I am not doing a good enough job (like when my house is a mess) and that made me feel great!

  21. My magnificent mom moment was when I had to travel back to the US on two different flights for a total flying time of 18 hours and a layover time of 6 hours with my two and a half year old daughter. I carried a backpack full of stickers, little puzzles, books, little figures to play ‘story-story’ with her, her favorite snacks etc. We didn’t have a single ‘whiney’ scene nor a single meltdown. At the end of our longest flight, as the plane landed the passenger in front of us stood up and stretched and turned around and literally jumped back asking me “Was this little girl sitting behind me the whole time” I nodded and said yes …and then he said the ‘crowning moment’ compliment of all…”I never heard a peep out of her. What a well behaved child. She has been brought up well.” ….Def my magnificent mom moment!

  22. My magnificent mom moment is when DDs hold doors for people, that makes me proud.

  23. Like Ziploc on Facebook@tcarolinep JEssieKatie S

  24. Everytime I see my kids do the *right* thing that we’ve taught them, I have that magn. mom moment. From clearing a plate at someone else’s house to telling someone to stop being mean to a friend- it just makes me so proud o f my kids!!

  25. @mamatomjr tweeted

    (btw your ziploc on Facebook link opens the ziploc on twitter window for me :o))

  26. I recently hurt my back and had to go see a specialist. I had to take all three kids with me, and they all had books to read while I was examined. The Dr was SHOCKED to see that kids were in the room, as they had been so quiet. She was more surprised that they sat quietly the entire visit. When I had to have a procedure done, she told my husband how impressed she was at the behavior of the kids in the waiting room during the previous visit;)

  27. A magnificant moment is when I am coaching my son’s soccer team. I am not athletic, but he needed a coach!

  28. I feel like a magnificent mom when my kids tell me thank you without being prompted!! I feel like I am doing something right and teaching them manners!! 🙂

  29. This is a little awkward–not sure about my MMM…
    Last month when, after some pretty poor at-bats, my son was feeling discouraged (he insisted he hit good at practice), I had him stand in front of me and I stood behind him while we gripped a big cardboard tube. I took a big swing and “swoosh” told my son that’s the way it’s done. Well, the very next day he hit a home-run (out-of-the-park, over-the-fence)! It was so cool! He went on to receive not only the Most-Improved Player but also the MVP award at the end of his baseball season. His coaches didn’t believe that I had taught my son how to bat; so, finally, towards the end of the play-offs, I said that my son just never wanted me to stand behind him to hug him again (so he knew he had to start getting hits)

  30. I “Like” Ziploc® on Facebook (however, your link didn’t work–it took me to a twitter page that didn’t have anything on it! no worries, tho, I just searched, found, and liked)

  31. I had a magnificent mom moment this weekend when my kids thanked me (without being prompted) for taking them away on a mini-break

  32. I am a magnificent mom, because I’m fighting cancer while raising our two boys, ages 5 and 8. My husband and I were blessed to be able to adopt both boys. We live at Lake Tahoe, where we visit fun locations and write about them on

  33. My Magnificent Mom Moment was last week. As chair for my daughters school garden, I planted a “butterfly garden” in June. Upon arrival for the new school year we were excited to see tons of caterpillars in the garden. My daughters kindergarten class did an unscheduled week lesson on butterflies. The children love it! My daughter thanked me for planting and tending. She said I was the best mom and was so proud of me. Awh! AND her classmates all thanked me and said I was a “cool mom.” My daughters learned the reward for volunteering .

  34. My son had a speech delay and now has articulation issues. We had our first speech therapy of the school year last week and we got a wonderful improvement report since the end of last year. We have worked so hard this summer and I am so glad it paid off!

  35. My daughter loves to set up new businesses. Her newest business is doing manicures and pedicures for my friends and hers. (she is 7) I have tried to be supportive of her entrepreneurial spirit and to teach her about business as we set hers up. When she had her first sale, I asked her what she was going to do with her money. She said she was going to use it to buy more stuff for her business. She has already learned the concept of reinvesting!

  36. There are multiple moments when I feel the magnificence moments of being a mom. But the most recent was just yesterday when Jesse, our 6 year old little boy said with wonderment, “Wow, you are magic, mom”!!! I love it when he is amazed at the simplest little things that he just can’t figure out how in the world I could possibly do “that”! Truly makes my heart smile when he tells me “I’m magic”!!!

  37. oops!! that should read, “when I feel the magnificent moments of being a mom”!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  38. I clicked the “Like” Button on Ziploc’s FB Page!!! 🙂

  39. Retweeted the Magnificent Mom’s Backpack Giveaway!!! 🙂

  40. I am the magnificent mom! I nominate myself because I work full time and I take care of my kids. I also volunteer at church and at their school. I have a husband and help take care of his business. I have 3 daughters. 🙂

  41. My magnificent mom moment was when I had my youngest daughter on my hip watching my oldest daughter board the bus for first day of kindergarten. I heard her yell to me as she waved “See ya Mom” with the biggest smile. I couldn’t even cry, it all went so fast and the bus was gone. My little one was still waving. I guess I raised a self assured girl, so I felt good that moment. 🙂

  42. I like ziploc on facebook and I also tweeted @PlumSage

  43. My MMM would be when I got some absolutely horrible news while at my daughter’s 7th birthday. I just wanted to run to my room and cry, but instead I put on a happy smile and didn’t ruin my daughter’s birthday. She never sensed anything was wrong and it was the perfect day for her. I am so glad I was able to keep it together for her.

  44. I remember a long time ago when my son was riding next to me in the car and we were on the highway driving along and I was singing along with the radio like I always do and then he started singing along too! Not in words mind you, it was goos and gahs and stuff, but it was in time and (almost) on pitch with the song on the radio. I think I started crying right there and had to pull off the road, but I remember it fondly!

  45. One of my magnifient mom moments is every day when I wake up my kids with a smile and a huge kiss. Every day is a blessing when you and your kids are together and healthy.

  46. I feel like a magnificent Mom when I get up extra early and make scrambled eggs saugsage and toast with oj for the kids. Get them ready for school make sure they brush their teeth and hair and are all ready to go. Then we go to school for them to start day and they smile and say back to me Mom I hope you have a great day!! It makes it all seem like for a moment well in my world all is right with the world.
    I also feel great when they come home and do their homework and eat dinner and go to bed on time the house is quiet and peaceful : )

  47. I like and follow ziplock on facebook Christina Ziegelmeier

  48. I have a magnificent mom moment every time I look at my daughter. She is an amazing little girl and my little miracle.

  49. I am the Magnificent mom! because I’m the mother of 5 kids, work part time, and home school my 6 yr old , take care of my home, do all the shopping, take kids to and from school, Dr appointments and everything else needed to be done. I visit my grandmother daily, who is in a nursing home and do her laundry as well as ours, plus I COOK DINNER EVERY NIGHT! Take the kids where they need to go and I make sure I get in some exercise daily. I’m exhausted just writing this. lol Did I mention 4 of my kids are teenagers? My magnificent mom moments are when the kids say “YOU’RE THE GREATEST MOM EVER”!

  50. Re-tweeted and liked Ziploc on FB. Thanks for the opportunity!

  51. i’ve had many through the years but my most special magificent mom moment was seeing my son with his son for the first time. i knew that nothing could ever top that ‘mom moment’ and now i have ‘grandma moments’ that just take my breath away!

  52. I don’t have a specific MMM, but I’m great at finding fun, often free or low fee, fun things for our family to do. I make sure everyone’s interests are given a turn and we have fun as a family. Thanks for the chance!

  53. I feel like a magnificent mom when I do something simple like bring my son a cool washcloth to wipe his forehead when he can’t fall asleep and he says, “Thank you, you’re the BEST mom. I feel so much better now – like I could go right to sleep!”

  54. i get the opportunity to have a magnificent mom moment every day because i have the privilage of homeschooling my 4 kids.

  55. magnificent mom moment is when I can think ahead and anticipate all of our needs on a trip , so there are no extras to buy along the way!

    thanks for sponsoring this.


  56. Wow. A magnificent mom moment…I must have some of those, right?! I’m pretty goofy with my kids – I dance around and make up songs for them, which makes them crack up.

  57. My magnificent mom moment is getting up with the little one in the middle of the night. Shes almost nine months and still doesn’t sleep very good.

  58. My Magnificent Mom Moment was watching my last two young children enter high school this past week. I can remember their first day of kindergarten, scared to death, holding my hand as tight as they could walking through the elementary school doors that day. I sacraficed alot financially, emotionally to be a stay at home mom gave up my career to ensure they had the best support 24 hours per day. All of the days volunteering, collecting tickets at the school carnivals, running two booths at a time,countless gingerbread houses, late night hours baking thousands of cupcakes, endless hours of school work, class projects all seemed to fade away that day I saw them enter those high school doors. I have watched them grow into strong,respectful, compassionate, young adults in a blink of an eye. That was my Magnificent Mom Moment that day 🙂

  59. I Like Ziploc on Facebook
    (Tamara Bennington)

  60. A Magnificent Mom Moment happens any time my kids listen to me. As you can imagine, those types of moments don’t happen every day, but they do happen often enough to keep me going in this game called “Parenthood.” 😉

  61. My magnificent mom moment was when my daughter got baptized at church. I realized then that I was raising her the way I should be!!

  62. In the first year of Lil J’s life, I have to say each and every one of his milestones was a Magnificent Mom Moment for me 🙂 The thing he does that melts my heart the most is when he walks up to me and just flops down on top of me to give me hugs & kisses. At only 14 months old, this kid sure knows how to love!!

  63. I just had a MMM today! I took my 1 week old baby to the pediatrician to make sure his jaundice is getting better. I also took my other 3 children, ages 6, 3, and 20 months, because I can’t often find a babysitter. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but it was a magnificent experience for me because a) everybody was quiet, content and happy the WHOLE time. b) nobody got away from me in the parking lot and c) the baby has gained 6 ounces past his birth weight already, and I make SUPER milk! 🙂 So maybe I can handle this motherhood thing after all?

  64. My magnificent mom moment was when I attended the birth of my first grandbaby on his mommy’s birthday. Lots of emotions flooded in looking back. It was beautiful.

  65. I put two moments since i thought you asked for one from me @PlumSage. Thanks for giveaway

  66. I would say my MMM would be when I first got my little one on a schedule for eating and sleeping. I’ve been really lucky that she took to it like a duck to water and our nighttime sleep has been blissful for almost 2 years (and counting). Daytime, not so much – naps are hard to come by, but I can deal with that on a full nights sleep!

  67. My MMM is when I can do anything for my daughter where her face glows. Special occasions that I can bring her joy. She loves birthday parties and for Dora the explorers birthday we had our own mini party and she had so much fun.

  68. I feel like a magnificent mom b/c I’ve been able to stay home for over 3 years now. I feel like he’s so smart b/c I’ve had the opportunity to teach him much more then he would have if he went directly to daycare. I also feel that we have an extremely strong bond! I guess this seems like normal stuff to others but I NEVER thought I would be able to stay home.

  69. I love being my children’s teacher. It gives me a great sense of pride when they catch on too a new concept. I love to be the one to get to see the smile on their face when they love what their learning.

  70. When I headed and organized the drive to adopt families in our school for the holidays. I was the only one who knew the names and it was done on the sly, no one had to feel ashamed.

  71. When I went grocery shopping and spent about $40 on around $130 worth of food and nonfood items and then took my kids out to chuckecheese afterwards and used a coupon and saved around $15
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  72. My magnificent mom moment was when I organized an entire auction for my son’s school to raise money. It was SO much work getting sponsors and just arranging the entire evening. I had a lot of help which is great and we raised A LOT of money. I felt like a magnificent mom when that was over! I laughed at the memo pad you were given that said ‘stop me before I volunteer again’….funny! Thanks for the chance!

  73. I sometimes feel like a magnificent mom when I am able to be successful in teaching my child lessons in life or help them succeed in learning challenging stuff from school (like an “ah ha” moment).

  74. I like Ziploc on Facebook. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

  75. I posted your giveaway on Twitter. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

  76. I always feel I have the best Magnificent Mom Moments when I take my kids to the library. They love that place! It’s full of so much to do, plus all of those wonderful books. We put together puzzles, play with puppets, read….it’s definitely a good time!

  77. My MMM happened last year. My younger sister was getting married in CA and my kiddos were in the wedding so I traveled by myself with both kids to the wedding and then braved Sea World alone with both kids. It was the scariest, most awesome adventure ever!

  78. I am still pregnant! So my MMM so far was hearing my baby’s heartbeat for the first time <3

  79. My Magnificent Mom Moment was last year when my daughter made student of the month at her middle school. I like to think all those years of reading to her and exposing her to museums and such helped!

  80. My Magnificent Mom Moment was when my son got accepted into the Gifted and Talented program for 3rd grade. I am so proud of him.


  81. How can I pick just one Magnificent Mom Moment? The birth of all three of my daughters and seeing them for the first time, their first steps (or in the baby’s case crawling all over the place and cruising furniture), their first words, the first time they said “I love you mom” and all their many hugs and kisses

  82. My Magnificent Mom Moment is that I have been successfully teaching my 3 year old how to independently drink from a cup. My son is special needs, so this is no easy task. All though he is not independent yet, he is holding his cup and drinking from it it with some assistance. I’m making sure that his teacher and his grandma and his daddy all have him hold his own cup, so we are all on the same page so that he can learn to do it independently.

  83. I Like Ziploc on Facebook. My FB username is Shawna OBrien

  84. Everytime my little girl touches my face and looks at me is a magnificent moment. My kids are my world.

  85. One of my magnificent mom moments is when my 6 year old daughter tells me: “Mommy your the best mommy ever!! I love you SOOOOO much!!” It doesn’t get much better than that!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  86. I like Ziploc on Facebook.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  87. My magnificant mom moment was when I held back from crying when I dropped my son off for his first day of kindergarten. I knew if he saw me upset he wouldn’t want to go to school and he be upset.

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