Celebrate Halloween at Disneyland

In Living, Travel by savvysassymoms2 Comments

Last week my Mom was in town visiting from Minnesota and she loves taking the kids to Disneyland.  She brings her special Minnie Mouse ears with her every time.  Isn’t she cute?   We loved seeing the big Mickey Pumpkin as we entered the park, we just had to stop for a photo.

My Mom insisted that we go to the Haunted Mansion first before the line got to long and so that’s exactly what we did.  The Haunted Mansion was themed as “A Nightmare Before Christmas “and it was the perfect ride to kick off our day at Disneyland.  This was my favorite ride of the day.

We ended up spending the first half of the day at Disneyland and then after lunch we headed over to California Adventure.   My Mom had never been to California Adventure so it was completely new to her.  My kids were lucky enough to be at the grand opening of Carsland and this was when my kids also discovered Paradise Pier and the Wilderness Explorer Camp, which are now my sons two favorite things to do.

My son doesn’t like rides.  So if you have a kids that don’t like rides I highly recommend these two spots.  My son LOVES playing the games on Paradise Pier, I mean loves it.  He always wins too.  At Wilderness Explorer Camp he loves to do the zip lining over and over again.

Disneyland is a classic but I do find that my kids will go on more things in California Adventure.  If you have small children or children that are a bit afraid of rides A Bugs Land is the perfect place for them.

My California Adventure 1sts – The Little Mermaid – Ariel’s Undersea Adventure and the Pixar Parade.

Just the girls went on the The Little Mermaid ride.  The Little Mermaid is still my favorite of all the Disney Princess movies.  I knew every song by heart, and probably still do.  My Mom had never been on this ride either and she said that this was her favorite ride of the day.

I had no idea that there was a Pixar Parade.  We even scored some prime seats and lucky for me there was the Golden Vine Winery right next to us, because ti was about that time of the day.  Check out all the characters from the Incredibles, Monster’s INC, A Bugs Life, Toy Story and Nemo that made appearances in the parade.

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Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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