Creative Pumpkin Decorating

In Living, Uncategorized by Tracy1 Comment

I love Halloween. I love sitting around as a family a few days before Halloween and carving our pumpkins, roasting the seeds and just having a fun time! I will fully admit that sometimes we get into a bit of a rut each Halloween with our pumpkin carving. You know the drill – two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and a candle and voila – jack-o-lantern. Snooze.

So this year I’ve been doing some research on some great new ideas on creative pumping carving and decorating. Maybe I’ll even get brave enough to try a few things or maybe I can put my 9 year old daughter to work!


I love the idea of doing a silhouette instead of doing a tradition face on a pumpkin.

Photo credit: Southern Living.

Another technique that I think looks amazing and I would love to try is pumpkin etching. Isn’t this pumpkin gorgeous?

Photo credit: Southern Living.

How awesome is this Mummy Pumpkin! I have a friend who always buy green and white pumpkins to carve and now I know why – this is so unique and fun!

Photo credit: BHG

For the very adventurous, creative and with lots of time on your hands – well you will be the coolest house on the block on Halloween with this pumpkin tower!

Photo credit: BHG

Do you want to try something really different and move away from traditional carving? Well now painting is all the rage! I love the trend-inspired chevron stripes on these pumpkins!

Photo credit: Country Living

I love this painted pumpkin idea – how about making your whole family for the mantle! How fun are these!

Photo credit: Good Housekeeping

Here’s something you will never find me doing but I have some pretty creative friends that maybe I can hire for this task because look at these absolutely stunning Decoupaged Pumpkins. They are like works of art!

Photo credit: Country Living


Do you get creative when it comes to Pumpkin Carving? I would love your ideas!

Meet the Author | Tracy

Tracy is the mother of three girls and works as a freelance writer and in the children's fashion industry. She loves finding and shopping for the latest trends yet keeps her closets full of classic and whimsical styles and loves to scour thrift stores. Tracy enjoys running, traveling, baking, shopping, drinking red wine, wearing high heels and telling really bad jokes to her children. Blog

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  1. These are awesome. Love the first one. Our pumpkins are soooooooo basic. I wouldn’t even know where to start to make these. LOL

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