Build a better Easter Basket

In Kids, Living by Christina Montoya FiedlerLeave a Comment

No mom likes swimming in jellybeans and green decorative “grass” the day after Easter.  Who says you have to fill the kids easter baskets with a bunch of junk?  Here are a few alternate ideas for your child’s Easter basket that will draw big smiles minus the sugar highs and these gifts will be played with long after the marshmallow peeps go stale.

Peace and Love La Happy Farm Friends

These are not your typical stuffed animals. Designed by a hip French mom, these little pals are colorful and full of texture for little fingers and mouths.  They are sure to make any kid smile on sunday morning!

Custom Superhero Capes

A perfect item to be placed in a easter basket, and nothing would be cuter than watching them hunt for Easter eggs wearing a cape!  Not to mention this gift can be used well beyond just one day.

Bunny Toddler Beanie

It might be Spring but there’s still a chill in the air.   You’re little one is going to love this uber soft bunny beanie, and you might die from the utter cuteness of it all.  I almost did.

Hand Knitted Peep Bunnies

Why not give these little guys in place of the actual candy. They’re soft and are great for teaching preschoolers about colors, counting and sorting.

The Little White Rabbit

Give the gift of reading for Easter with this classic tale (or tail) of a little white rabbit. Other rabbit themed books like, The Velveteen Rabbit or Guess How Much I Love You are great as well.

Crayon Wallet and Chalk Mat

If you have to include something in the basket for your little artists, this self-contained felt ‘wallet’ is perfect for storing a few crayons (or chalk) and a pad of paper.

Easter Treat Bags from Perideau Designs

Last but not least…. we already love these customized goodie bags for kids from Perideau Designs, but we had to feature them again!  These personalized Easter treat bags come in sweet pastel colors and prints. A drawstring close makes it easy for little hands to hold. It’s a great alternative to the standard basket.


Meet the Author | Christina Montoya Fiedler

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native - born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various parenting sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors - one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. Now that's cool!

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