Back to School Fashion Trends for Girls at The Children’s Place {giveaway}

In Back to School, Kids, Kids Fashion by Esther Carlstone59 Comments

IMG_2116It’s that time of year again…back-to-school shopping time! And what better place to start your epic journey with your little lady than at The Children’s Place? Known for their affordable and stylish kids clothing, this is a one-stop shop for all your daughter’s back-to-school needs. And this season they’ve hit some of the top trends for girls right on the money.


Bright, bold colors and graphics

This season is all about sassy and bright colors. There were tons of fun top and bottom options for little girls to ensure maximum mixing and matching fun. From leopard print leggings to neon shirts and adorable prints with 3D accents like ribbons, glitter and lace girls are sure to have a ball picking out their favorite tops. For the less girly-girl, there are bold graphic prints that are right on point with the trends. There were also an awesome variety of frilly skirts to wear on top of the leggings or on their own.


Sparkle and Shine

Apparently this season is all about the more glitz, the better. Check out these sparkle covered high tops that all the girls in the store were going gaga over.  These shoes will certainly help add a little personality and flair to a basic school uniform.

IMG_2127Bohemian Rhapsody

The boho look is back and here to stay. From sweet peasant tops and dresses to fringed boots to embroidered details and even cowboy hats (with the requisite sparkle, of course), this look is sweet and feminine.  I also love how this look can be easily dressed up or down and is a simple weekend if your girls happen to have to wear a uniform during the week.


Urban Chic

Think leopard-print. Think faux leather. Think motorcycle boots. Add a pair of distressed jeans to the mix, and your little urban princess is good to go.  Some of the accessories were so cute I wished they made them in grown-up size!

Do you love some of the trendy fashions you see here?
Enter to WIN a $50 Gift Card to the Children’s Place!

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Meet the Author | Esther Carlstone

Esther is the mother to a silly 20-month old daughter who hates wearing clothes. Born and raised in Southern California, she attended UCLA where she received her Bachelors Degree in English and continues to live and love Los Angeles many years after. After a decade-long stint as an event planner, she is now a writer/editor for various websites and blogs about all thing lovely at her site, A Lovely State of Mind. She's hates trolling through unorganized sales racks and is obsessed with fashion, food, travel, pop culture, Instagramming, good design, and too many TV shows to count. Oh, and coffee totally counts as a food group (the main one if you have a kid.) You can find Esther on her blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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  1. Well since my first child will start preschool which is full time =( I am more into getting back to school stuff.

  2. This is our favorite store! I love the footed pajamas and all the colorful outfits!

  3. My daughters would love to go shopping for school clothes at the Children’s Place!

  4. My kids have been getting more into picking out what I buy for back to school, I remember the days when I could just pick up whatever was on clearance and everyone was happy! Now with my daughter, it is all about the sparkles and ruffles!

  5. Ooh! I need some back to school clothes, and Dex is JUST about to be out of Children’s Place sizes – where he has been clothed his WHOLE LIFE.

  6. I’m the driving force behind buying decisions.

  7. Me all the way… ok, my son is getting a little more picky so he does help! 🙂

  8. Happy to say I am still the driving force behind my kids’ back to school shopping. However, I think this might be the last year because my daughters are getting more opinionated and refuse to wear certain style of clothing.

  9. I vicariously live through my child by making him into a little rocker stud, he’s super cool,no silly baby shirts for him.

  10. With the younger one, it’s still me. With the older one, she is the driving force! She has to approve of everything.

  11. I am in charge of picking his clothes, but I always keep his likes and dislikes in mind while shopping.

  12. Definantly Mommy is the driving force behind my childrens back to school fashions!

  13. Driving force? That would be my 5.5 yr old daughter who thinks she’s 17. Man am i in trouble! I’m no longer allowed to just buy her clothing, she has to come pick it out. lol But this would be such a great help in getting her fall clothing wardrobe together! Thanks!

  14. I buy my 5 yr old almost any types of clothing she wants because we shop in stores where I will agree with the styles and prices. My son and I split the decisions 50/50 because he isn’t always interested.

  15. i am I have 3 young kids who grow out of their clothes so fast!

  16. I guess I am for the two smallest, the older kids are too hard to buy for!

  17. I have so much fun shopping with my 5 year old. I still pick most of her clothes. She loves clothes from The Children’s Place because their clothes have a lot of “sparkles” on them. They have such cute clothes…I wish they had them in my size. 😉

  18. I am! I love shopping for clothes for my son. He on the other hand, would rather stay home and play!

  19. I am the driving force behind back-to-school fashion purchases, as my three boys do not have much interest in fashion. They want options, and then they choose.

  20. Yes, Boys usually hate to go shopping for clothes or shoes, but that doesn’t stop them from giving you a failing grade if they don’t like what you picked out. One of the challenges beside changing tastes, is when the growth spurts move mom into a whole to size range to figure out.

  21. Definitely me. I have two boys and they are not picky.

  22. I would have to say that I am the driving force

  23. Right now me, but my son is starting to really express his likes and dislikes. I would say a team decision overall.

  24. I am the driving force. My 5 year old is not picky – yet!

  25. Love children’s place. My bro-in-law and family have returned from central Asia as missionaries. The kids need school clothes. Would love to bless them with the gift card.

  26. Oh I would be the driving force right now….but he always approves or disapproves!

  27. Love Children’s Place! I am most definitely the driving force. Although now my daughter is 5, she has to like it or she doesn’t want to wear it!

  28. I think its more me the kids for the most part. The kids like to pick out their own stuff once we actually get to the stores but sometimes getting them there is more the battle, mainly with the boys.

  29. I’m the driving force behind buying decisions

  30. I usually give my daughter choices with the outfits that I choose. That way, I know they are appropriate and she gets to choose her own style. This would be such a blessing to us, as we are really struggling to buy her clothes. Good luck to everyone!

    lemongreen915 at

  31. I’d say mostly my dd.
    She is the one that has to wear the clothes after all.
    I will say no if I think something is too ugly or inaproprite.

  32. I would say I am but I do listen to all suggestions

  33. I do, my children don’t really care about fashion yet


  34. I drive back-to-school styles in my household. I have young boys who don’t care what they wear at the moment.

  35. My son definitely has his own fashion sense and I let him choose his own clothing, within reason.

  36. My daughter is the one who chooses her clothes. She has a strong fashion sense (though sometimes I have a hard time letting her leave the house in clothes that don’t match!)

  37. Nowadays its definitely my kids. They have developed their style

  38. My 8-year-old is definitely speaking her fashionable mind this year, but my 6-year-old doesn’t care too much still. 🙂

  39. it’s a joint task force in our household!

    rafflecopter: daniel

  40. Pingback: Au Pair » 18 Blogs Highlighting Back-to-School Fashion Trends for the Budget Conscious

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