Back-To-School Backpacks For Kids!

In Back to School, Kids, Kids Fashion, Style by Franki1 Comment

Can you believe we already have to think about back-to-school supplies? As much as I love summer time, I always enjoy the back-to-school time of year. Shopping for new clothes, supplies, and the general excitement about starting a new school year, I love it! For me, the ultimate accessory for school was my backpack. It has proven to be the same for my daughter! She’ll be starting preschool in the Fall, and she was very concerned about her choice of backpack. We ended up searching through what seemed like hundreds of backpacks until she finally came to her decision of a Skip Hop bumblebee Zoo Pack. Since I am quite well-versed in the world of backpacks now, I thought I’d pass along my favorite picks to inspire you for your back to school shopping this year!

Skip Hop Zoo Packs little kid backpack – Dinosaur – $20.00

Even though my daughter was adamant about choosing the bumblebee backpack from this line, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the dinosaur version! I love that these Zoo packs are made especially for the little ones, specifically those starting preschool or kindergarten. Instead of having to lug around a large backpack they can be much more comfortable with one that fits their size better. There is a whole line to choose from, but for some reason this colorful dinosaur stood out the most to me. Your little girl or boy will definitely make a statement with this backpack!

Melissa & Doug Beeposh Ricky Backpack – $19.99

I love this Melissa & Doug backpack from their Beeposh line. It’s the bright, whimsical and fun for any little girl who loves to wear vibrant accessories. The Ricky backpack is made for bigger kids, but the straps are still adjustable and sturdy with reinforced and padded backs and fronts. There’s tons of pockets for them to keep their water bottles, supplies, and lunch boxes secure. If your little girl has a love of anything bright and funky, this will be the perfect backpack for her.

Hanna Andersson Who’s That Pack – $20.00 (On sale!)

How cool is this Hanna Andersson robot backpack for your little dude? This is another cool and unique pick for your back-t0-school shopping. This is also in a smaller size, so good for the littler ones, and it is stain and water-resistant (I can hear all of you mothers rejoicing!). Made extra sturdy to endure long days of being drug around by one strap or the handle on the top, this is one backpack that will last your little guy the whole school year.

The Gap Glitter backpack – $29.95

This backpack is ideal for girls who aren’t a fan of pink, but still like a little sparkle. Another very sturdy-made backpack with tons of pockets and a personalized name patch, this will probably be a must-have for many girls! And who doesn’t love polka dots?

Mini Boden Boys Rucksack – $40.00

This is a really cool backpack for boys looking to make a statement. It differs from the slews of boys backpacks that are covered in skateboards, skulls or superheros, so if your son is getting tired of choosing the same style of backpack over and over and that all of the other boys at school have, this is a good way to go. Lots of pockets and wide, sturdy straps are great features of this backpack that can assure you it will still be in good condition at the end of the school year!

Pottery Barn Mackenzie Chocolate Giraffe Backpack – $50.17

This backpack is a little bit of a splurge, but the giraffe print definitely makes up for it! If you have a little girl that is an animal or safari lover, she will fall in love with this backpack. The other great features of this is that it can be personalized, and they make the same style of backpack in three different sizes (preschool, small or large), so you can tailor it specifically to what your child needs.

Who’s your favorite backpack company? 

Meet the Author | Franki

As her Twitter handle reads, Franki is a "coffee-crazed, organic-obsessed, make-up addicted earth-friendly blogger mama." Franki is passionate about feeding her family the healthiest foods and helping other families make healthy choices as well as anything fashion, eco-chic or make-up related. She is a mother to one daughter who always keeps her on her toes!

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  1. The backpack shown in this post are best suitable for the school kids. Surely after buying such a beautiful backpack for your kid is the best thing to motivate the kit towards school. Thanks for the post and expecting a lot similar one in the near future.

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