Baby Names, you better think twice!

In Baby, Kids by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment

When I immediatly got this book I thought, hmmm I wonder what it says about the names of my children?  So I quickly turned to the M’s for McKenna, only to find a big box with a “McDon’t” written at the top.  Oh no, what have I done!

” Think long and hard before you name your child McSomthing!  Stating that it’s nicer to have a name spelled phonetically:  Mackenzie or Mickenzie otherwise yo uare setting you child up for a lifetime of mispelled mail.  Popular and (unfortunate) McDont’s are, Mckayla, McKenna, McKenzie, McKinley, McNugget, just kidding.”


Okay strike one.


Next up was Hudson and I was just praying that they didn’t ban naming your son afterany bodies of water or us cities, or actesses last names.

“Closely related to Houston and both mean son of “Hugh”, but a totally different vibe. Houston sounds like the tough clean cut Texan.  Hudson sounds like a Greenwich Village hipster.  Houston has a stetson, Hudson has a tattoo.  Not that Hudson isn’t a straight shooter too.  He can be just as upstanding and influential.”


Hudson was actually on the the 2010 list of Mover’s and Shakers!  So we’ll have to see where it lands in 2011:)

I’d say I’m even.

Bring Back Betrice is a book that makes you stop and think before you just go and name your baby “Wind” I like the tone and overall message of this book.  It not only shares definitions and origins but reasons why names become popular.  This book will certainly help parents choose a name that has meaning, some value and most importantly a name that the kid will not be ashamed of when their 13

Top 100 Baby Names in 2010

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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