10 Creative Outside Activities to Try This Summer

In Kids, Living by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment

Sunscreen & Summer.  The two go hand in hand, much like coffee and cream or wine and cheese. You really can’t have one without the other!  Sunscreen is also suppose to protect your skin, not hurt it or add chemicals to it so lathering up should be safe for you and your entire family.  I’ll admit it, I’ve bought the cheap sunscreen plenty of times, because it was on sale and I had a moral issue with paying $28 for a small bottle of natural sunscreen.  So I was happy to hear that Banana Boat has released a 100% naturally sourced sunscreen that doesn’t break the bank!  Natural Reflect is SPF 50+ and is Paraban and PABA free.  Yay!

Banana Boat is also encouraging kids to get outside everyday with their summer activity guide, 101 Days of Summer Play which has some pretty creative ways to get your family outside this summer…

Here are my top 10 Favorites

1.  Obstacles may be closer than they appear. Use lawn chairs, bicycles, pool toys – or whatever you have available – to create your own obstacle course. Use a stopwatch to see who makes it through in the best time.

2.  The sounds of the summer! Introduce your children to new music and go to an outdoor concert. Pack up a cooler with some snacks and water, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen before heading out for a few hours in the sunshine.

3.  Masters of the golf course. Create your own mini golf course and use a baseball bat, broom or hockey stick to putt your choice of “golf” balls into different targets around your backyard. Feel free to substitute the golf ball with a baseball or tennis ball for added fun!

4.  Bird’s eye view. Cover a pine cone with peanut butter and roll it in birdseed. Attach it to a tree branch with a piece of twine. Wait and watch with your children as you attract new birds to the yard!

5.   Act locally. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine with a family trip to a local farmer’s market.Let the kids sample and pick out their favorite fruits and vegetables for a picnic or cookout later today.

6.  The world is your canvas. Pin an old sheet up on a clothesline to make your own custom canvas. Bring the paints outside and let the children create a collaborative work of art. Feel free to use hands, twigs and grass as paint brushes and let your inner-Picasso shine.

7.  Beat the heat. Hot outside? Start a water fight! Cool down a hot day by filling balloons with water for a fun toss with the entire family.  Who can resist a water fight?

8.  Skus & hues. Pick up a variety of paint chip cards at a home improvement center and punch a large hole in each. Have the kids take them outside to try to match all of the colors with pieces of nature!

9.  Popsicle social. Squeeze ripe oranges for fresh orange juice and freeze in popsicle trays. Once they’re ready, enjoy this ice cold treat outside in the warm sun.

10.  High flying fun. On the beach or in a park, flying a kite is a great way to spend time with the family while enjoying a beautiful sunny day.

Now don’t forget the sunscreen!!

Go to the Banana Boat Facebook Page for even more summer fun activities and take the pledge to get your kids outside everyday this summer!  For every pledge made, they will donate one bottle of Banana Boat® Sunscreen Natural Reflect Lotion* to the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, a summer camp for children coping with cancer and other serious illnesses.

I was asked to host a 101 Days of Summer Play here in Los Angeles, so I invited some friends, lathered up some Banana Boat sunscreen and enjoyed the day!

Disclosure:  I was compensated to help organize, host and execute this event for Banana Boat.  I share this with my savvy sassy readers because I like the product and the activity guide is a fantastic resource for families!


Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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