Kate Spade New York

In Uncategorized by savvysassymoms4 Comments

 Savvy Sassy iphone Cases

Since I’ve got New York on the brain I thought I would share with you some fun iphone cases from Kate Spade New York.   I saw these and thought how very “Savvy Sassy”
But wait there are even more stylish designs, so how is a girl to choose?   Maybe I don’t have to because maybe I can have one for every season.   Here is spring and summer so I can only hope there will be a fall and winter.   And if you just can’t seem to get your stylish self together then be sure to check out the Kate Spade iphone Agenda App.  Yup – there’s an App for that!
“We believe that everything’s better with a touch of whimsy and a dash of delight.” enjoy! – taken from Kate Spade Website

Kate Spade New York

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram


  1. Hmm, now I see why you liked that iPhone cover so much…

    It matches your site design perfectly!

  2. I love them, but they aren’t practical. The only iPhone case I’ve found to be practical and cute is my Otter Box. it is bulky, but protects my phone.

  3. i wanna fun case for my phone (motorola cliq) but can’t find them anywhere.

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