Hello 2010! January is the month famous for New Beginnings and Change! This is typically the time when you are either sitting on the MORE side of the fence or the LESS side if the fence.
Do you want to DO MORE? More reading, more exercising, more writing, more traveling, more sleeping, more playing, more dreaming, more yoga, more organizing, more saving? Or do you want to DO LESS? Less eating, less TV watching, less complaining, less stressing, less spending, less wasting, less drinking, less chocolate, less caffeine.
But what about a healthy Balance? Instead of agonizing over doing too much or doing a lot less, maybe we need to make a list of what needs balancing in our Day, Week, or Life. This is my 2010 Balance Sheet! (maybe it’s the Libra in me)
Saying Yes = Saying No
Time on twitter = Reading to my kids
Time at the gym = Time Outside
Time Spent Cleaning = Time Spent Reading
Socializing Online = Socializing Offline
Time Spent Blogging = Time Spent as a Family
Time Grocery Shopping = Time Spent Relaxing
Date Night with Husband = Date Night with Myself
Drinking Coffee = Drinking Water
Setting Goals = Taking Action
I can honestly say that I have never been so excited for a new year! I don’t know exactly what I am so excited for, but I just have a feeling that Amazing things are coming!
How true! Balance is so important. Thanks for your post which has inspired me to make a similar list. An inspiring way to start the new year.
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What a great way to start the New Year! Happy New Year! I’m visiting from MBC.
I’m feeling the same way. AND focusing on finding balance!
Finding balance is something I think everyone struggles with, especially moms, and extra-especially blogging moms! I know I do. I love the balance sheet of life idea!