People often ask me where I get my article ideas. Many come from my own personal experiences having children, others are from families I support, and a few come from …
6 Simple ways to give thanks
We all know we should gives thanks, be grateful, and give back year round. Most of us try our best, but life can get the best of us. Kick gratitude …
Making carpooling easier with Diono
Life with kids in car seats makes things complicated when it comes to school pick-ups, after school programs and weekend play dates. But truthfully, safety always comes first. You will …
4 Tips for getting kids to talk about their day
It has happened to all of us. You pick up your child at school or you walk in the door at the end of a long day. You are so …
How to use a chore chart with your kids
It has been close to impossible to keep our Brooklyn apartment tidy with 4 boys running around and making messes faster than I can describe. It’s borderline impressive. Since Winter …
How to clean like a mom boss
OK moms, we know you all really love a clean house, but don’t enjoy actually cleaning it. However, as a mom you know that there is always some sort of …
The secret to great sleep
Since high school, I’ve struggled with poor, interrupted sleep and outright lack of sleep that has only gotten worse since becoming a mother. Recent studies have shown lack of quality …
Mother’s Day Gift Guide and giveaway
In less than a month, the day to celebrate moms will be here. We’re here to share the scoop about what every mom really wants! As moms, we can tell …
How to get your kids involved in spring cleaning
It’s finally starting to feel like spring (even here in Maine), so open your windows, dust your shelves and purge your closets. With birthday parties, sports in full swing and …
Wescom Credit Union helps families find their financial comfort zones
Money matters seemed simple — before kids Before we had kids, I was pretty sure my husband and I had our financial ducks in an impressive row. Of course our …