Online quizzes…you may hate when they pop-up, but let me share some insight as to why you shouldn’t! As a blog owner and a reader of many blogs myself, I have a confession to make. I am not the best when it comes to navigating websites. Whether I am looking for something specific to buy or looking for information on the web, I don’t always search for it in the best way. However, when I do a decent job and stumble on a great website, I wouldn’t mind a little guidance when I get there.
Think about when you walk into a store. A sales associate comes up to you and says “can I help you find something today” or “is there something specific you are looking for?” I need these associates so that I can get the most out of my shopping experience. On a website, while there are no sales associates popping up to ask how they can help. We have integrated a quiz to do just that.
A quiz? How can a quiz help?
On many sites, for example Buzzfeed, you will find quizzes. They can be in a variety of places such as on the side bar, the top banner or a pop-up. I have no doubt that on occasion you have seen them and x’d out of them because you know what’s going to come of it and you don’t feel like giving out your email address…again! But why?
We know why – you don’t want to be inundated with emails, you get enough of them already! We hear you! But, I look at it from the above perspective. We all live busy lives, so for me, that means that I don’t always want to go into the store to look at all the clothes on the racks. Instead, I would like someone to give me a call and tell me that something I would love has come in and that I should come and take a look!
Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, it’s the same thing with a quiz. We just want to get to know you better. We know to know what you are interested in, what type of parents you are, what type of style you are interested in reading about. Then, just like that call you wish you could receive from your favorite store, we will send you a note to let you know about a great article that came out that you will want to read about (since we have an idea of what you are interested in) so that you can spend less time searching and more time reading articles that you will love. Doesn’t that sound like something you want to sign up for?
Interact Quizzes
If you run a blog or a business, this might be something you want to consider. Note: we have tried many platforms to integrate quizzes on to our site and we have not always had success! We would highly recommend giving Interact a try. It is very user friendly and easy to integrate. In the dashboard, you are able to see all of the analytics to help grow, change and continue creating your quizzes to learn more about the people who come to your website. You can use quizzes for anything that you do online! Listen, the struggle is real! We get it! Getting to know the faces behind the readers/viewers isn’t easy, so let interact help!
So, if you X’d out of our quiz when you came to the site and you are wondering the answer to the question below, give it a try!
Give it a try and let us know what you think!