wake up early and have a productive day

7 Reasons to Wake Up Early—Before Your Kids

In Family, Living by Product Scout1 Comment

Okay, I may have lost you at the title, but if not, hear me out. The early morning hours might be my favorite time of day. They certainly are the most quiet and my most productive. No one yelling “mom,” no diapers to be changed and no phone calls coming in. There’s also something special about watching the sunrise and feeling accomplished before breakfast. If you haven’t already tried to wake up early, check out 7 reasons that may convince you rise and shine before your kiddos..


Quality time with your kids

I hate the chaos that can unfold during the morning hustle. While some of it can be unavoidable, I find that getting up early gives me time to get myself organized and ready for the day and able to focus and engage with my kiddos with less distractions.

ME time

As a parent, we all know time by yourself can be hard to come by, but even a few extra minutes by yourself with your own thoughts can be huge for your sanity. For some Me time might mean meditation, yoga, writing in your journal, for others it may mean running with music or even catching up on email a show or a podcast.

Better health

I always say that I’m a better mom when I fit it some form of exercise. My favorite time to sneak this in is early in the morning. Whether it’s going for a walk, a run, hitting up a favorite exercise class it recharges my batteries. The early mornings can also be a great time to work towards a goal – this summer I was able to use these wee-hours to train for a sprint distance triathlon. Whatever makes you feel good and gets you moving – go for it. Also giving yourself a little extra time in the morning can allow you to prepare a healthy breakfast, arguably the most important meal of the day!

Drink an entire cup of coffee

Yes, this deserves it’s own heading. Because how many times do you reheat your coffee? Treat yourself and drink from your favorite mug while your coffee (tea, or cocoa) is fresh and hot.

Forget less

Mom brain is a real thing – I’m not sure waking up early can really cure it, but for me it helps me to have this extra time when brain is clear and their are no distractions. This is when I try to map out our family calendar, look ahead at meal planning, fill out permission slips or respond to emails etc…

Get work done

This is likely my most productive time of day. If I have a looming work deadline or an upcoming event for the PTO, this is usually when I plug away at it. A clear head, no distractions and a cup of coffee in hand is usually a winning combination for me.

If you are looking for the perfect opportunity to start learning something new, without distraction, this is it. Whether you’re starting an online FNP program or you want to begin learning a new language, having that peace and quiet with a clear head and a dose of caffeine can set you up for the day. Even if you learn nothing else that day, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ve done something

Start your day on the right foot

I’ve found over the years, especially the last 4 with a school-age kiddo, that starting the day off in a chaotic tailspin and trying to multi-task is a surefire way for everyone to start the day off on the wrong foot. School mornings are always a little crazy, but feeling organized and accomplished before my kids wakes up helps me conquer the day. It also helps me engage with my kiddos when they wake up and send them off on the right note.

If you don’t consider yourself a “morning person,” making it happen might seem daunting, but take it one day at a time and continue to make small shifts. Also remember that all phases of motherhood are different, and you may be in a phase where sleep is far more important, but when you reach a place where it’s possible, here’s a few ideas that might help you wake up earlier.

  • Find a pleasant alarm sound
  • Try waking up  earlier in increments (even if you start with 20 extra minutes that’s a start)
  • Let yourself go to bed earlier (if your favorite show is on at 10pm, catch it on Hulu)
  • Keep track of your progress
  • Have a plan! If you’re planning to workout, lay out your clothes. If your goal is to do work, have a checklist and your computer ready. Create a cozy corner that inspires you if your goal is to find your zen.
Do you get an early start to your day? We’d love to hear your tips for making it happen.

This post was contributed by Rebecca Spear. You can find more from Rebecca on her blog, Mainely Mama.

Meet the Author | Product Scout

Savvy Sassy Moms Product Scouts have been hand selected by our editors to bring you the latest and greatest products that make your life a little easer and a lot more stylish! Our product scouts have a variety of children from newborn to age 10 and are on the ground (literally) using and testing these products. Our reviews are honest and the opinions of the scouts are always their own.


  1. All of these are great reasons to get up early, and would really benefit me!

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