I heard about the book WILD from my contributor Angela, she recommended it as a book club pick for taking your book club to the movies right here on Savvy Sassy Moms. I of course cruised the list and was interested to see what books would soon be turned into movies, but to be honest I typically just wait for the movies to come out. WILD starring Reese Witherspoon is playing in select theaters now and fans of the book can find a theater near them by visiting http://theaters.howwilditwas.
However, when I was flying home to Minnesota six months ago to say goodbye to my Grandmother before she passed away, I spotted it at the airport and picked it up and bought it without a second thought. Maybe it was the bright pink laces on the cover or maybe it was because I recognized it from Angela’s popular reading list. Whatever the reason, I was immediately drawn to it.
As I read the book I felt closer to Cheryl and I felt like we could be friends. In a weird way I totally got her and understood why she had to set out on a journey to make peace with who she was and all the things that had happened in her life. I understood her need to be alone, her stubbornness and and her strength to just go out and do something, even if it was crazy to most. I understand the need for complete solitude, maybe not on such a severe level, but I got it.
Death of a parent, especially when they are young or it happens suddenly or unexpectedly is a very traumatic thing. There is a huge hole in your heart that will never get filled and something just always seems a little off. I am still shocked at how it can sneak up on me in the most random ways.
Not only does Cheryl have to deal with the death of her Mom but she has to face herself and learn to accept with who she is, make peace with her past and decide what she wants the next phase of her life to be. I think that there is a point in everyone’s life that they must decide how they will choose to live it. Our lives are based on a series of decisions and where you end up is a result of those decisions, good or bad. No one goes through life without a little drama and bad decisions, and WILD is a great reminder that when you fall down or find yourself at the very bottom, you have to find a way to pick up the pieces. WILD also made me realize that as women, we are extremely hard on ourselves and forgiving ourselves is the most challenging of all, and in order to get on with our lives it may take a WILD journey to forgive and let go.
WATCH this WILD Movie clip staring Reese Witherspoon
Have you read WILD? Will you see the movie?
Check the list for a theatre showing WILD near you: http://theaters.howwilditwas.
About the movie:
In WILD, director Jean-Marc Vallée (DALLAS BUYERS CLUB), Academy Award winner Reese Witherspoon (WALK THE LINE) and Academy Award nominated screenwriter Nick Hornby (AN EDUCATION) bring bestselling author Cheryl Strayed’s extraordinary adventure to the screen. After years of reckless behavior, a heroin addiction and the destruction of her marriage, Strayed makes a rash decision. Haunted by memories of her mother Bobbi (Academy Award nominee Laura Dern) and with absolutely no experience, she sets out to hike more than a thousand miles on the Pacific Crest Trail all on her own. WILD powerfully reveals her terrors and pleasures –as she forges ahead on a journey that maddens, strengthens, and ultimately heals her.
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WILD Movie Giveaway!
$50 Visa gift card to see the film in theaters
Copy of WILD (movie tie-in cover, paperback)
Copy of the official soundtrack
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it looks like an enjoyable movie; i have not read the book.
I have not read the book, but after reading this post, I have to get this book and read it. I want to see this movie because I want to see how Reese deals with the difficulty of losing her mother and begins the healing process.
I haven’t read the book. I’d like to see the movie because Reese Witherspoon is very talented.
I have not read the book, but the movie trailer looks awesome.
I have not read the book. I want to see this movie because it looks interesting
I haven’t read the book yet. I want to see this movie because I’m a big fan of Reese Witherspoon!
I have not read the book but I’d like to see the movie because it is getting great reviews.
I have not read the book! But I’d love to see the movie simply because Reese Witherspoon is in it. Although I’d definitely have to read the book first because that’s just how i am :p
I have not read the book. I would like to see this movie because I like a good adventure.
I have not read the book or seen the movie but I would love to cause Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorite people to see in films.
I have never read the book and want to see the movie because of the trials that she has to go through
I have not read the book. I really want to see the movie because it looks great and I like Reese Witherspoon.
i think this movie looks really good
I have not, but the previews to the movie look so good!
I have not read the book, but I want to see the movie to see the journey and how it impacted her.
I haven’t read it but I know the story and have heard great things. I’m very much an adventurer and travel has impacted my life in many emotional ways. I feel like this film will really resonate.
I would like to read this book, because I love outdoor adventures.
I have not read the book but I would like to see this because I like a soul searching type of movie.
I have not read the book, but cannot wait to! I really want to see the movie and read the book! Reese is always so good in the movies, and I love nature and cannot wait to see her adventure!!!
I haven’t read it yet, but it sounds like such a great story!
My bestie is reading the book now, it’s my turn to read it next. I saw the film already and it was awesome.
I have yet to read the book. I’m really interested in this movie because of the inspiring story, I always tend to love movies that were originally books, they have the best messages. The awesome director and actors all together will make this movie one to remember in 2015.
I Have Not Read The Book WILD Yet, I Would Love To Read The Book And See The Movie Because I Like The Theme.
I have not read the book yet but it seems like a great read.
When you think you lost it all and make an impulsive decision to go on a search to find…I don’t want to ruin it for others. Good read. People ought to read before viewing a movie.