
Wheresie keeps your kids safe

In Kids & Tech by Angela Amman2 Comments

Wheresie helps parents find peace of mind

Parents don’t get distracted on purpose, but toddlers have a way of waiting until your defenses are down and making a break for the nearest hiding spot. Wheresie can help. The small device — we’re talking not much larger than a quarter — clips onto your child, connects to a smart phone app and alerts you when your child wanders out of range. Wheresie

Why Wheresie is important

None of us want to believe we’ll be the mom who gets distracted by a clearance rack while our toddler wanders into the mall. We don’t want to think our preschooler would sprint to the toy aisle while we’re placing an order at the deli counter. We can’t fathom forgetting our little one in the backseat of the car after a rushed morning or change in child care routine. But accidents happen.

Be sure you think about safety tips while traveling with kids. Wheresie

Wheresie helps connect parents and caregivers

Not only can the Wheresie app connect with multiple devices for each child, different phone numbers can be associated with each device. When your child is separated from you, your phone will alert you, but it will also alert another smartphone. This feature helps make sure parents and other caregivers are on the same page when sharing child care duties. Designed with toddlers and preschoolers in mind, Wheresie is water — and mess! — resistant. Need a little more energy to run after your tot? Try one of our five favorite fitness apps!

Help bring Wheresie to life

Wheresie was developed by Dr. Wyche T. Coleman, who is a new father as well as a physician. He wanted to create another tool for parents to use to keep their little ones safe, and he wants to raise awareness about how easily accidents can occur. Pools, shopping malls, and cars can all be dangerous when toddlers are separated from the adults caring for them. Wheresie can help — but it needs your support. Check out the Wheresie Kickstarter campaign — even a small pledge will help parents find a little more peace of mind.

Would you use Wheresie to help keep track of your little sprinter?

Meet the Author | Angela Amman

Angela Amman is a short story and essay writer. Collecting her family's stories is a gift-in-progress for her daughter and son, and she blogs at Playing with Words, capturing the craziness and beauty that weave together to create something extraordinary. As the co-director of Listen To Your Mother Metro Detroit, Angela is thrilled to bring others' stories to the stage and to celebrate the magic of words, storytelling, and the courage to share that magic with an audience. When she should be sleeping, she works on her latest short story collection. Her writing has been featured on Mamalode, Peacock Journal, and Scary Mommy. Her personal essays and short stories have appeared in her collection, Nothing Goes Away, and various anthologies.

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  1. Great article! It’s so important for parents to use technology in their own advance, for the protection of their children. I always get a mini panic attack when I see kids wandering around malls, crying for their mother. This is a super-awesome solution! Funifi also features some tech articles in its blog that make parents’ life so much easier! Check it out 🙂 http://www.funifi.com/blog

  2. Great article! I think that it’s very important for parents to use tech in their advance. I always get a mini panic attack when I see a kid wandering around in the mall, crying for its mother. This is a great solution for parents! Funifi also features some tech articles that aim to make parents’ life a lot easier! You can check them out in the Funifi blog 🙂

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