What Type of Summer Workout is Right For You?

In Health & Tech, Lifestyle by SavvySassyMomsLeave a Comment

We have been talking a lot about living a healthy life lately, probably because the summer will soon be upon us and we can’t help but want to get into shape for pool season! Believe us, we know that it can be difficult, especially with school ending, but we know you can do it! The question is, what type of summer workout is right for you? Working out doesn’t have to be a daunting task, but you need to make it a priority!

Step up your hydration

For starters, make a change when it comes to your water intake. It’s the easiest thing to do, yet we need to frequently remind ourselves what a difference it makes! If you aren’t a water lover, there are still so many ways to get yourself hydrated. Buying yourself a new water bottle that you love will make it much easier! Seriously! This has made all the difference for us. One thing we have learned, is that one water bottle isn’t right for every activity. Depending on the physical activity you like to do, you will want to buy your bottles accordingly! For example, when we do Yoga, we like to use a wide mouth or a narrow mouth with a screw top so that if we accidentally knock them over when we are moving from position to position, we know that we won’t spill a drop!

Do you like feeling refreshed?

Swimming is such an underrated activity, but it is a great workout! If you have a pool, know someone who has a pool, or are a member of your local community centre, getting some laps in goes a long way! Unlike an exercise machine where you start slow, you just get into the pool and go! Whether you are physically active all year or you are stepping it up a notch for the summer, taking advantage of the warm weather and moving your workout to the pool will be a refreshing treat. Don’t forget, water is key! Even though you won’t be sweating, you will need to hydrate at the end of a good swim! We enjoy the ease of the draft bottle. Simply squeeze and drink, no need to bite down or pull the top up to get your hydration!

Do you need to feel relaxed?

Heading to a yoga class may be just what you need to get your blood flowing. If there is a yoga studio that you love, try to get in a class or two a week!  We recently stepped up our yoga game with yoga mats that we love so that we don’t feel chained to the studio! Whenever we can find some time, we head to the park to lead our own yoga class. We spread out the mats, bring full bottles of ice cold water and get ready to feel at peace. Whether you are alone or with a friend, you won’t believe how peaceful you will feel doing yoga to the sounds of the birds chirping.

Are you a Multi-tasker?

Grab a friend and go for a walk. We are all quick to ask a friend to go for a cup of coffee to catch up or to sit on a patio to enjoy the sunshine, but try making an effort to change those get togethers to a walk. In every city, there are beautiful walking trails and ravines that are so much fun to explore! If there isn’t one near you, then take a stroll through your neighbourhood or even busy city streets! Walking with a friend who you can chat with will make it all that much more fun! Talking makes the workout go so much faster and you won’t be thinking about how many minutes until you get back home! Use your water bottle as a weight and remind yourself to drink up if you need some relief! It’s a win, win! You will stay hydrated and your arms will get a good workout too!

Are you busy with the kids?

Finding alone time to get a work out in can be difficult, we get that, especially during the summer months when the kids are out of school! Don’t let that bring you down! Having active kids is great for them and for you! Taking the kids for a bike ride, a hike, a walk through the ravine, for a swim or even to the park! There are so many great ways to spend time together as a family and to get yourself moving! Who said you can’t have fun at the park as an adult! It’s also so important for you to be a role model for healthy living for your kids, which means staying active and drinking lots of water! These are definitely things you will want them to grow up doing for lifelong health!

Which workout is right for you?

This post is sponsored by Nalgene. All opinions are our own. Photography credit to Lacey Davey

Meet the Author | SavvySassyMoms

The Savvy Sassy Moms are professional educators and mothers with more than 30 years of educating experience and over 20 years of combined parenting experience between them. With a true passion for engaging with moms and sharing their bright and relatable savvy and sassy know-how, they bring current and exciting content to Savvy Sassy Moms for all stages of motherhood as well as help and guidance for all the in-betweens! Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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