Yellow Brick House and SHOPPERS LOVES YOU

SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU.: Helping Prioritize Women’s Heath in Canada

In Health & Tech, Lifestyle, Living by LisaLeave a Comment

We can’t imagine a day going by without our essentials. When we get a cold, we run to the pharmacy. Similarly, when it’s our time of the month, we stock up on pads and medication. For some women, it just isn’t that simple. Women’s health isn’t a privilege, it is a priority. The SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Growing Women’s Health  program provides many easy ways to get involved and prioritize women’s health in Canada.


As women, how do we take care of ourselves and each other? One way is to make sure our money goes towards charities that give women and their children access to the materials we sometimes take for granted. From October 6 to November 2, 2018, visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart store and help support a worthy cause.


 Yellow Brick House and SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU.

The SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Growing Women’s Health program has raised over $35 million dollars. That money goes to more than 500 unique local women’s health organizations across Canada. Each Shoppers Drug Mart partners with a local charity to create an impactful partnership to support women from their own community. You can see the difference close to home.

Yellow Brick House

 Yellow Brick House and SHOPPERS LOVES YOU

Yellow Brick House is just one of the participating charities in the SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Growing Women’s Health program. If you haven’t heard about Yellow Brick House, it offers a safe place for abused women and children in the GTA. We had the opportunity to speak with Lorris Herenda, the Executive Director of this organization. Lorris shared some vital information about this charity. We appreciated learning how it has helped so many women and children over the past 40 years.

Yellow Brick House consists of two main shelters with 41 beds and 10 cribs for women and children seeking shelter from an abusive situation. High security at this safe haven creates an environment that allows women and children to sleep through the night without any worries. While staying at Yellow Brick House, recipients receive counselling services to help them recover from the impact of trauma and abuse. Not only does Yellow Brick House provide shelter for 400 women and children, they provide services for over 5,500 women and children per year.

Many women who need support come through the Community Counselling and Supportive Services at Yellow Brick House. Core services include a crisis line, emergency shelter and programs that offer parenting support, and legal services for many women in need. Services also provide individual counselling, group support, transitional support to help women and children live independently.

Yellow Brick House offers Healthy Relationship support for women and their children. Children learn how to build healthy relationships and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This support assists families in this recovery process and helps them establish future relationships.

SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU.  and Yellow Brick House

 Yellow Brick House and SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU.

Fundraising campaigns like SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Growing Women’s Health are essential to sustaining the existing level of services at Yellow Brick House. The Yellow Brick House, a not-for-profit organization, relies heavily on individual and corporate support. Many families come to Yellow Brick House with just the clothes on their backs. These donations enable Yellow Brick House to provide services and intervention to families that need it so desperately.

How can Savvy Sassy Moms and our community get involved?


First of all, with the SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Growing Women’s Health campaign running at your local Shoppers Drug Mart store, you can help too. The next time you run into the pharmacy to pick up a few things, please consider donating. 100% of your donation goes towards a local charity. That donation means the whole world to a woman from your area. Consider volunteering at a local charity like Yellow Brick House, where your assistance can be impactful and meaningful.

Lorris Herenda states, “It’s extremely important to raise public awareness about these issues. Did you know that 1 in 4 women are living in violent homes?” As women, we need to change that statistic. We can’t imagine any of our children growing up where they constantly feel unsafe or are exposed to dangerous people or substances. Furthermore, getting involved and getting educated, helps greatly decrease these statistics.

So, if you’re fortunate enough to give back to your community, it is as easy as running to the store. Just do your normal day’s shopping! Consequently, for such a simple act, it provides a whole lot of meaning and good to women in need.

Learn more about the SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Growing Women’s Health initiative here.

Disclosure: We created this post in partnership with Shoppers Drug Mart. All opinions are our own.

Meet the Author | Lisa

Lisa Kobrin is a mom to three children, aged 16, 19 and 21. She is passionate about education and loves home décor and fashion. She is a veteran mom and loves sharing all of her experiences with Savvy Sassy Moms readers. Lisa has put in her time as a mom of young children and now gets to get focus on her again! She loves fashion and beauty and is up to date on the latest trends for moms.

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