Searching for the right bra ranks right up with there with bathing suit and jean shopping. You can only avoid it for only so long, but the joy that you get from finding the right fit is undeniable. Count me in that category. After baby number two, my girls needed some help. The bras I had before just weren’t fitting and, well, I needed a little more support and lift.
So, I joined the Vanity Fair LiftTOUR. Currently, they’re traveling around the U.S., fitting women, just like us, for more shape and support than they ever knew possible. Really, a new bra makes everything fit better.
Bonus. For every fitting they do, they donate a fabulous new bra to Dress for Success – a group that helps women in need prepare for job interviews. And that’s totally something we can all get behind.

Vanity Fair LiftTOUR
I met up with Vanity Fair and the LiftTOUR bus at my local Kohl’s and stepped for a personalized fitting. Turns out I was wearing a size too small around and too big in the cup. Everything was wrong. They put me in the Vanity Fair Women’s Beautifully Smooth Breathable Comfort Full Figure Underwire Bra. One wear, and it was obvious why this is one of their top sellers. I now own one in black and beige.
When I was done with my fitting, I was able to pick a bra of my choice to donate to Dress for Success and write a personalized message to the woman who would be receiving the bra. I can’t lie. I got a bit teary eyed. While it felt good to give back, I also thought about what it means to feel like a woman, and how most of us take for granted even the smallest things – like having a brand new bra.
Want to give and receive too? You can catch the bus at your local Kohl’s, JC Penny, or Sears, just check the website for times and dates.
Moms, when was the last time you purchased a new bra?
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