Traveling on Christmas Day

In Living, Travel by savvysassymoms1 Comment

Traveling on Christmas day was actually quite pleasant and our family breezed through security faster than the single woman that was in line ahead of us!  Yes, our family of 4 literally took less time taking of our shoes, taking out our laptops, and navigating through the security line faster than a solo traveler.  I thought this was amazing and that we deserved some sort of recognition!! Well, I padded my myself on the back.  Our children were practically perfect little angels and I even kept a good attitiude when my husband told me that we had 2 stops!  I don’t think I have ever taken a flight with 2 stops, not even to Europe.  But, it was Christmas so I just smiled and went with it.

We were flying Southwest airlines from LAX to Tucson with a 25 minute stop then to Denver for a 40 minute stop and then onto our final destination Minneapolis.  We would not get off our Southwest plane for the entire day!  I thought this would be a parents worse nightmare, however it was the complete opposite.  Our family settled in and we were able to have any seat on the plane every time we stopped.  My kids got to hang from the overhead bins and thought they owned the joint.  One of the flight attendants was on our flight the entire journey and was lovely to us.  She even gave my kids Southwest pins because they were so good on all 3 flights!  It your gonna spend an entire day on an airplane I suggest Southwest Airlines:)

No, Southwest Airlines did not compensate me for saying any of that.  Happy Travels!

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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