The Valco Baby Snap 4 Stroller

In Baby, Kids by Desiree Eaglin5 Comments

Snap 4
Valco Baby is a family owned and operated Australian business that have been manufacturing and distributing baby products for over 30 years. Valco Baby strives to create innovative baby products that are “Made to Fit Your Life.” With functionality, durability, style and safety in mind Valco Baby is at the top of the baby product industry.

Valco Baby introduced the Snap 4 stroller in Spring of 2013, the Snap 4 stroller created for busy parents on the go. The sleek looking Snap 4 stroller is ultralight and is under 15 lbs and raises the bar for comfort, durability and ease of use in compact strollers.

valco baby snap 4

What is unique about the Snap 4 stroller is that is is ultra light and compact and offers designablity with the Vogue Hood additional options. Just imagine having the ability to change up the colors of your stroller whenever you felt like it with the Vogue Hood colorful options. 

Features of the Snap 4:

The Vogue Hood option – allows parents to add color to their stroller. The designability parents have over the Snap 4 is very appealing. Pick up a Vogue Hood in every color, each color to match your outfit for the day!

Lightweight and Compact – allows an incredible about of ease of use in a stroller. I have never been so impressed with a stroller as I have with the Snap 4. It is light, it is easy to fold and it fits in the truck of my car easily without taking up too much space.

Safety – the Snap 4 stroller features a 5-point harness system, bumper bar and Tilt-Loc brake system.

Tubeless Tires – no fears of a flat tire, the tubeless 10′ back wheels and 8′ front wheels allow for extreme maneuverability on any terrain.

Storage – the over-sized undercarriage basket is ginormous. I can fit my huge diaper bag in it without trouble.

Portability with full features – unlike other compact strollers, the Snap 4 is lightweight, easy to fold and yet carries all of the full features as other strollers. Such as a peek a boo window, roll up pockets with extra airflow and a carry handle & shoulder strap for easy traveling.

Additional accessories – from cup holders to hitchhikers for the older siblings  Valco Baby has everything you need to accessorize your stroller perfectly.

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I absolutely ADORE my Valco Baby Snap 4 Stroller. It is light, super easy to maneuver and goes with me everywhere from the baseball field to the shopping mall. Having 3 kids requires a lot of stuff and the Snap 4 makes transporting three kids worth of stuff easy. The extra large storage basket carries my large diaper bag perfectly. Best yet, I love how easy the Snap 4 is to fold up and store away. The Valco Baby Snap 4 Stroller truly is a mom-on-the-go’s best friend.

Log on to Valco Baby now for more information about the Snap 4 stroller.

A Snap 4 stroller was provided for review purposes. All opinions are my own. 

Meet the Author | Desiree Eaglin

Desiree Eaglin is a photojournalist of things, a writer of sorts, a momtographer of every day life and a funny mom of 4. She resides in Southern California. You can follow her daily adventures on Twitter and Instagram (@DesireeEaglin).

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  1. Pingback: Hovvr | Valco Baby's Snap 4 Stroller and a rainbow of vogue hoods

  2. I really like how light the Snap4 is. It’s a serious competition for City Mini. The 4-wheeler is much more stable and is not easy to tip over. The only thing I am not crazy about is that the handle bar is not adjustable and the fabric has a cheap-feel. Otherwise it’s a great stroller with fun color options!


  3. Snap 4 is actually a really nice stroller and one of the toughest competitors to beat in the stroller market. It looks really comfortable and has a lot of optional accessories which make it perfect for children and parents.

  4. I’ve got the Snap 4. It is great for me as it is comfortable and comes with a lot of optional accessories.

  5. Honestly, I never heard this stroller brand before. Glad to know that. When it comes to strollers, Baby Jogger, BoB and Graco go to my mind. The idea of changing color is great and I think it would be better if the color of frame or other parts can be changed either instead of only the canopy.

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