Tegu Magnetic Blocks

Tegu Magnetic Blocks Review

In Kids, Toys by Esther Carlstone3 Comments

Savvy Sassy Sponsored Post Have you heard of Tegu blocks? I’m sure you’ve seen them at some point. I’m always picking them up and putting them down, so when I had the opportunity to try them out, I couldn’t resist. And my honest review? I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to get these for my daughter. Not only are these magnetic wooden blocks aesthetically pleasing for design-minded parents (because that’s what’s really important, right?), they’re an ingenious toy that will keep your little one entertained for way longer than their usual plastic toys.Tegu Magnetic Blocks

The Pocket Pouch set we received consists of 4 cube blocks and 4 flatter, rectangle shapes. The possibilities for play are endless, and the fact that they’re magnetic? Genius. No more scrambling for lost or fallen pieces at the restaurant for parents or cries of frustration from kids. And even my two-year-old can attach them together with no problem. I was super impressed at how these seemingly simple blocks sparked the imagination of my toddler. One second it’s “Look Mommy, I made a giraffe” then the next “It’s a plane!” Heck, even I had fun making imaginary animals with them! They come packaged in an adorable felt case that makes transporting them even that much easier.


The origin of the company is an inspirational story in and of itself. Founded in 2010, Tegu is a for-profit business conceived by co-founder Chris Haughey after a visit to Honduras. Haughey felt strongly about starting a business that would change the lives of Hondurans by paying them a living wage and offering opportunities for long-term career growth, and thus Tegu was born. The name comes from the capital city of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, where all of the blocks are manufactured. How cool is that?! I always feel good knowing I’m supporting a product that’s contributing the greater good of the developing world at large, don’t you?

I really can’t recommend this product highly enough, and hope you get a chance to try them out too!

Disclaimer: I was provided with a sample of this product but all savvy thoughts and opinions are my own.

Meet the Author | Esther Carlstone

Esther is the mother to a silly 20-month old daughter who hates wearing clothes. Born and raised in Southern California, she attended UCLA where she received her Bachelors Degree in English and continues to live and love Los Angeles many years after. After a decade-long stint as an event planner, she is now a writer/editor for various websites and blogs about all thing lovely at her site, A Lovely State of Mind. She's hates trolling through unorganized sales racks and is obsessed with fashion, food, travel, pop culture, Instagramming, good design, and too many TV shows to count. Oh, and coffee totally counts as a food group (the main one if you have a kid.) You can find Esther on her blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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  1. these are awesome. I bet even my five year old would have fun with them!

  2. Pingback: Lovely Friday: Beat the Heat Edition | A Lovely State of Mind

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