Summer Travel Twitter Party
Tuesday, June 11th
6pm PST / 7pm MST / 9pm EST
Hosted by @Right_Start & @SavvySassyMoms
Co-Host @SomeDayIllLearn
Special Guest: Colleen Lanin of @TravelMamas
Prizing Sponsors @ErgoBaby , @Britax, @Joovy, @SkipHop
Hashtag: #TravelRight
Summer is finally here and we’re celebrating with a Twitter party that is sure to get you in the mood to pack up those little tikes and hit the road! Whether you are heading to the local beach, state parks or flying international we’ve got you covered with all the travel gear and right accessories to get you from here to there. Our hosts for the evening are two of our Right Start Moms, Andrea Fellman of Savvy Sassy Moms and Chelsea Day of Some Day I’ll Learn. We’ll also have traveling expert, mom and author, Colleen Lanin of Travel Mamas sharing her savvy travel tips throughout the night and answering your questions.
What’s a party without some prizes? We’ll be giving away over $1,400 in prizing from some of our top selling brands including Britax, Ergo Baby, Joovy and Skip Hop. Colleen will also have three of her latest Travel Mamas Guide books to giveaway as well.
Please join us for a night packed with great information, leaving you fully prepared to pack up the kids and hit the road this summer!
Twitter Party Prizing
1 Skip Hop Light & Luxe Diaper Bag + Stroller Bar Activity Toy + Grab & Go Stroller Organizer ($110)
1 ErgoBaby Carrier + Travel Mamas Guide ($140)
1 Ergobaby Carrier + Travel Mamas Guide ($140)
1 Ergobaby Carrier + Travel Mamas Guide ($140)
1 Joovy Moon Room ($220)
1 Joovy Ultra Light Caboose Stroller + Extra Caboose Too Seat ($330)
1 Britax B-Agile Stroller and 1 B-Safe Infant Car Seat ($330)
*You must be 18 years old and a US Resident to win prizing.
RSVP for Prizing
Link Title: @bestmom1 (twitter handle)
Email Adddress:
URL: (twitter url)
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Looking forward to the party!
How convenient and super stylish all the products are! Very excited!!
I rsvp’d with the wrong account at first, and I can’t delete it. Could you take @eastman928 off the list? I’m coming as @eastman520! Thanks! 🙂 Can’t wait!!!
Pingback: Win Baby Travel Gear at the Right Start Summer Travel Twitter Party
Yes. It has been removed. Thanks.
Thank you so much!
This is going to be fun!!!!
sorry I am on there twice. The first time it didnt appear to work. Sugarbearelkins
Congratulations to the winners! I see at least one winner is a mom blogger / product reviewer herself. Hope to win something one day.