Skindinavia Makeup Setting Spray

Skindinavia Make Up Setting Spray

In Beauty, Style by Guest WriterLeave a Comment

Skindinavia Makeup Setting SprayDue to the fact that I have oily skin it’s only a matter of time before my make up has disappeared down my face. Skindinavia a make up setting spray ends the melting-off-of-your-face problem.

A make up setting spray is a spray that extends the wear of your make up. Think of it as a hairspray for your make up. When you spray it on it feels like spraying water, and it dries in less than a minute. They make several finishes by skin type. Due to my oily skin I used the No More Shine, and it really does work in keeping the shine at bay.

I tried the Skindinavia spray for a week, and was really impressed on how much of my make up was still on at the end of the day. Since melting make up is a huge issue for me, and more importantly makes me nuts, finding something that actually works in keeping my make up in place is wonderful.

Here’s how I looked after being out all day. I had applied this make up at 9 AM, and this picture was taken at 5 PM.

Skindinavia Make Up Setting Spray

I was given this product for review. No other compensation was received. The above opinion is my own swayed only by my inner Fashionista.

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