Sassy Signs

In Living by savvysassymoms3 Comments

Being Sassy is about doing things just a weee bit different from the rest!  It’s putting a little pazzazz into everything you do.   Making an event or experience unique by adding a little flair.  Sassy women are fun and spunky, they can make even the smallest affair like a lemonade stand so much more fun by adding a pinch of Sass!

Sassy Signs has made it easy to stand out from the crowd and get people to your event by creating Sassy Signs for every occasion!   Summer is here and neighborhood picnics, family reunions, graduation parties and yard sales are in full swing.  And get this, they even have Sassy price tags  for those” Hot Deals”  at your yard sale!
These Sassy Signs can be used for baby showers, charity events, school fundraisers, birthday parties, bachelorette parties, superbowl parties, you name it and a Sassy Sign can be created for it!  If you don’t see something your sassiness wants,  you can create your own. They’ll send you the letters and stick ons so you can do it your sassy self!   These Sassy Moms are there to help so if you need some signage suggestions just Ask Miss Sassy she’ll give you the scoop!
Be Different, Stand Out, Get Noticed!

Patented Pinwheel – Our husbands think we’re nuts!  But, hey-when that pinwheel is blowing in the wind and you see it from the corner of your eye on a Sassy Sign as your driving down the street, you think hey…cool, pinwheel?? What?  I am definitely going to check out that sale!  Sassy Signs are the ONLY signs that can EVER have a pinwheel ever so brilliantly spinning on top of a sign.  And let’s be real….the kids really dig them!”

Need to know the Yard Sale Basics? Check out Yard Sale Queen – she has all the do’s and dont’s, practical tips, warnings,  scams to avoid, and hilarious yard sale “Customer’s from Hell stories”.  She even shares some of the gross, tacky and weird things she has seen and bought!  She is yard sale professional and has given Sassy Signs her Seal of Approval! 

I say, if your going to do something you might as well give it 110% and while your at it why not throw in a little Sass!

Sassy Signs

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I bought some sassy banners and don’t know if I need special marker to make my own
    sign. I tried a stencil but paint or markers keep running. Help!

  2. How can I order these? I had these, but the sign is very weather beaten and I need new one.

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