Savvy Father’s Day Gift!

In Living, Style by savvysassymoms4 Comments

Are you getting the New IPAD for the world’s greatest Dad!?  Yeah me neither.  So, might I suggest this little space and money saver!   Get that Daddy the BigSkinny!

This is the one gift I bought my husband last year that he really appreciated and still loves to brag about!   Not to mention I didn’t have to break my kids piggy bank to buy it!  Big Skinny is the world’s thinnest,smallest and lightest sport wallet.  But Don’t be confused yo udo not need to get rid of any cash or important cards for this magic to happen!  They are made with an ultra thin micro-fiber that is 5-7 times thinner and lighter than leather.  But if your man just has to have leather they have made a hybrid with super thin layer of leather on the outside with the micro-fiber on the inside.

Savvy Sassy Sale for Him!!!

Tri-Fold Wallet w/ Vertical Pockets
Super Skinny w/ Vertical Pockets

Regularly $24.95
NOW $10.00

5 days left for Father’s Day Shipping!

*Good job Savvy Sassy Moms!  Now with the money you just saved go buy yourself a new pair of shoes!

Big Skinny

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. Andrea Loved your last remark!!!!! Very cleaver!!! just showed my co-workers the big skinny wallet.

  2. I have been racking my brain for a Father’s Day gift for the Hubs. This is pretty cool! I’ll have to check it out! Thanks!

  3. Wallets are not just an accessory for men anymore; it has become an integral part of wardrobe for every man today. For buying the perfect wallet for yourself, you need to know how to buy one because you don’t only carry money in your wallet; you carry your style too.

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