After returning from #DisneySMMC, I keep thinking about our time aboard the Disney Dream. It was truly one of the best experiences. Many people ask me if this is something they should do with their families, and I say YES immediately! Check out these 8 (out of a million) reasons why you should definitely go on the Disney Dream!
You will feel like royalty from the moment you arrive
There is nothing worse than lines with kids. You rush to get to point A to only have to wait in line until you can get to point B. Everyone complains, and you feel like the trip is off to a bad start! When you check in for the Disney Dream, you will see that it is a well oiled machine. There is very little waiting, no pushing and shoving, and everyone boards the ship very quickly. There was very little time for the kids to complain about waiting which made for two very happy parents!
When you get on the ship, photographers wait to take a picture of your family as you embark on your incredible vacation. As you walk onto the ship, you are greeted by staff in white uniforms. One staff will ask for your family name, and then they will announce your arrival on a microphone! “Welcome to the Greenspoon family” and all of the staff will clap. It is an entrance unlike anything I have every experienced! Every night at dinner, the waiters are so warm and welcoming. You will have the same waiters every night who can’t wait for you to enjoy a wonderful meal.
The entertainment never stops
In the past, I disliked the entertainment on cruises. While there was always a good show for the adults to watch, there was never anything for the kids. Well, as you can imagine, it’s Disney, so there is fun for the whole family! On the Disney Dream, the shows were incredible. The first night, we went to see The Golden Mickeys, an award show for Disney classics. All of our favorite characters came out and there was a great message for the kids about pushing past your fears and trying something new. The Beauty and the Beast show was remarkable. More to come on that soon!
With two showtimes, one at 6 and one at 8:30, everyone of the ship is accommodated. When we weren’t at a show, we were getting dressed up for Pirate night, a themed night that everyone on the ship gets involved in. It’s the biggest costume party you will ever attend, and will also be the best! It was so much fun to see everyone in their best pirate gear walking through the ship. Later in the evening, we watched a show on the top deck and enjoyed fireworks, a beautiful sight to see!
Meet incredibly nice people
It is such a pleasure to walk around on the Disney Dream. So many smiling faces, everyone so happy to be a part of the the Disney Cruise experience. At the beginning of your trip, you get your room key which has your dining time and restaurants listed on the card. We loved sitting next to the same people each night. We were able to connect and share experiences at the end of each day.
While everyone is on the cruise at a different time in their life or for a different reason, everyone is equally happy to be a part of it all. That includes the staff. Each time they saw our kids, they said “hi princess” with a big smile. I loved hearing where they were from, why they were there and how long they have been on the ship. Each person had their own story tell as they shared their love for Disney.
Relive your childhood through the eyes of your children
From the moment your children walk onto the ship, you can feel them beaming with excitement. Before we could even make it to the room, we were in line waiting for a picture with Belle. We were just as excited as the kids were! How could we not be? Being surrounded by all of the classic Disney characters with your children brings up wonderful memories and gives parents the opportunity to bond with their child by acting like kids themselves! The kids are so excited to be in the presence of all of their favorite characters, and as you watch them, you can’t help but have a smile that fills your entire face.
Every moment of everyday on the cruise is filled with excitement from trading pins with the staff on the ship, to character meet and greets, to waterslides and watching movies in the pool. There literally is no better vacation for a family. You will have a relaxing vacation yourself, but there is no better joy than seeing your children as happy as ever as their dreams come true!
The kids programs are incredible
When you take your kids to visit the Oceaneer club during their open house hours, they will be begging you to let them stay! There are programs on the ship for kids of all ages. The “It’s a Small World Nursery” is geared for children 6 months to 3 years while the Disney’s Oceaneer Club is for children 3 and up. Got teens? No problem! They can hang with the other teens on the ship at Edge and Vibe to play video games, watch movies, mingle with other teens and have dance parties while singing karaoke. However old your children are, they will be thrilled to be in a space created just for them and their new friends!
For those worried about safety, we were really impressed by the safety system in place aboard the Disney Dream. Children receive a bracelet that they need to scan when they go in and out. While they are in the clubs, the staff are able to identify exactly where they are when their parent arrives by scanning the room key. Along with a picture that is taken when you board the ship, you also need to provide the staff with your secret code word (that you create when signing up your children) in order to pick them up. You can also decided whether or not your kids can come and go as they please. Disney lets you set the rules 🙂
The Dream offers adult time, too!
You already know a Disney cruise will be incredible for the kids, but what about you? When you plan the time to take a vacation and save the money to go on a vacation, you want to enjoy every minute of it as well. While we were on the ship, we were amazed by how many couples were on the ship with no kids. There are people who have been coming back year after year because it is relaxing for everyone!
When your kids are in programs, head to the Quiet Cove pool that is for adults only. Book some time for yourself at the Senses Spa & Salon for a massage or facial to truly relax. At night, head over to the adults only part of the ship, The District. Here you can have drinks, dance or head to the pub to watch live sporting events. Trust me, there is lots to do to enjoy yourself if you go with or without kids. The Disney Dream is the best way to balance a family making sure everyone has the time of their lives.
Castaway Cay is like heaven on earth
The Disney Dream stops at 2 ports, Nassau, Bahamas and Castaway Cay, Bahamas. While you can go to Nassau on any cruise line, Castaway Cay is exclusive to Disney Cruise Line. The island is a dream come true. With 3 beaches, 2 family beaches and one adults only, there is lots of room for everyone on the ship to lounge! Just like on the cruise, lunch prepared and everyone can enjoy a BBQ just steps away from the sand. There are so many activities to do while on Castaway Cay, but that’s for a whole separate post!
The Disney Dream will bring your family closer together
Your time on the Disney Dream will be truly magical. Everyone on the ship was the happiest versions of themselves, including us! It’s so easy to get bogged down by the daily grid of life, the running around, the programs, the sibling rivalry, work, stress and so and so on, that we can forget how much fun we can have as a family.
The 3 day Disney Dream was the perfect amount of time for us to feel refreshed as a family, to have fun getting dressed up together, to watch shows together, go on water slides together and to truly have fun together! Our time on the ship reminded us as parents how to have a bit more dun with our kids and gave our kids a chance to see what it was like when mom and dad acted like kids too! We made so many incredible memories and have the best trip of our lives!
If you are considering the Disney Dream, we would highly recommend it. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I would be happy to answer them for you!
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