quinny buzz xtra review

Quinny Buzz Xtra stroller review

In Baby, Kids by Katie ReyesLeave a Comment

quinny buzz xtra

When I was pregnant, I was consumed by all things baby and researched the best products all day long. One of the products that took me forever to decide upon was a stroller. If only I had known about Quinny sooner! The brand new Quinny Buzz Xtra stroller is amazing and has changed our world, as far as strollers go.

quinny buzz xtra stroller

A few things stuck out right off the bat for me with this stroller. One major thing I love is that it’s a great size! It’s not bulky or gargantuan, which I appreciate. It fits nicely in our home and also into our car trunk, which is a huge plus, as we love going places and taking the stroller with us. Another thing that stuck out right away is the sleek and sophisticated look of the stroller. This might seem silly, but it’s a huge plus for me: It just looks cool. The slick features and chic silver details with the all black color fit perfectly with my aesthetic. I love the look of the canopy, as well.

Now on to the technical details and performance, which is why I really love this stroller. Because it can look cool all it wants, but if it doesn’t perform well, then none of that matters. I’m happy to report that the features are what really sell this stroller and make it A+ in my book.

Unique hydraulic system makes for easy folding

Like, seriously easy. Now, I’ve tried a few strollers that claim to fold easily, but really don’t. This one is literally foolproof and so simple. I feel confident unfolding and folding it up on my own, thanks to its unique hydraulic system. It’s one of the coolest and best features of this stroller. On top of that, it’s easy to carry while folded, which is important and not something I’ve noticed with other strollers we’ve owned.

Smooth ride

It takes turns with ease and rolls along for a gentle ride. Plus, the seat is very padded and plush, making for a very comfortable ride for your little one. Also, the seat belt is a five-point harness to keep your baby strapped in safely, and it locks in such a way that your baby can never unlock himself from it. These are all important features to ensure the safety of your little one.

Comfortable seat

The seat has three different easily adjustable positions, from fully reclined to upright, for whatever stage your baby is in. It also has an attachment for a compatible infant car seat, if need be. This stroller can literally be used from infancy onward!

Simple pedal locks

Just push down the right lock to lock the wheels and push down the left one to unlock them. Easy, simple, clearly labeled by color and all powered by your feet, so your hands can stay safely on the handlebar.

quinny buzz xtra canopy

Huge canopy shade

The canopy itself is a great size, and even has an extended visor zipped into the canopy for complete sun protection. It folds down as far as you need it to, so you can completely protect your little cherub from the sun if it’s especially harsh or if you need him to nap on the go. It’s seriously perfect for naps actually, because the shade is really heavy duty and doesn’t let much light through.

A few cons that I’ve noticed: The handlebar isn’t terribly plush so if you’re pushing the stroller for a long distance, it could get kind of uncomfortable. My husband commented that he wasn’t a fan of that part of it. Also, there are no double stroller options, which is no big deal if you have no need for it, but we love this stroller so much I know we’ll be sad if we have another baby soon and want to add on to it!

quinny buzz xtra review

All in all, the Quinny Buzz Xtra is an amazing stroller that feels and looks luxurious. You and your little one are sure to love it!

A stroller was provided for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.

Meet the Author | Katie Reyes

Katie lives in Sacramento, California with her husband and two little ones. She is a full-time blogger and runs the lifestyle and fashion website, Katie Did What. She earned her Bachelors degree in French from California State University, Sacramento and studied abroad in Paris during her junior year. She is therefore highly influenced by all things French and is always in search for that joie de vivre.

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