Posh Tots: High-End Winter Coats

In Baby, Fashion, Kids, Kids Fashion, Posh Tots by FrankiLeave a Comment

We are in the dead of winter now here in Canada, so we are bundling up in our winter warmest each day. Tatum’s current winter wear is a cute but mostly functional-only snowsuit that keeps her as toasty as possible. When it comes to winter time up here in the north, being able to stay warm in -35 weather is the priority, and sometimes that means sacrificing a little style. Bulky parkas and boots are our daily uniform.

Even though the colder months in Canada may sometimes be less-than-ideal for winter fashion, I always find myself perusing the children’s outerwear and browsing the most adorable outerwear. And as usual, I normally find myself coveting the most expensive pieces I can find. There’s something about high-end clothing that seems to call me in, even when it’s not even close to being in my budget. Boy, did I find some pieces that were out of my budget. Wayyyyy out.

If you want to imagine dressing your children in only the most luxurious winter warmest, take a look at these extravagant items I’ve rounded up below!

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Are these prices extreme to you, or is money not an object when purchasing your children’s winter wear?

1. Burberry Exploded Check Pea Coat – $363.12 2. Moncler Quilted Jacket – $1,267.00 3. Christian Dior Quilted Jacket – $267.98 4. Poivre Blanc Embroidered Ski Jacket – $252.12 5. Burberry Peplum Parka Jacket – $250.00 6. Roberto Cavalli Quilted Jacket – $458.26 7. Fendi Fur-Trimmed Snowsuit – $394.84 8. Moncler Belted Ski Jacket – $830.00 9. Armani Junior Wool Coat – $270.00 10. Moncler Dominic Detachable-Hood Jacket – $350.00

Meet the Author | Franki

As her Twitter handle reads, Franki is a "coffee-crazed, organic-obsessed, make-up addicted earth-friendly blogger mama." Franki is passionate about feeding her family the healthiest foods and helping other families make healthy choices as well as anything fashion, eco-chic or make-up related. She is a mother to one daughter who always keeps her on her toes!

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