Personalized books: Why we love them!

In Kids by JennaLeave a Comment

Every night, after we read our kids books of choice, my son always asks for an “imagination story”. We make up a story for him each night that includes him, his sister and his friends as the main characters. The usual suspects make their way into the story at one point or another, and he get so excited each time he hears their names. Imaginations stories are a very special part of our bedtime routine, but I wanted to add some personalized books to our library. I knew they would get him excited and eager to read. As a child in kindergarten, he is able to identify his name and most of his friends names in print. Doing so gives him confidence to continue identifying sight words and trying to sound out new words on his own.

personalized books

Books with their favorite characters

Personalized books aren’t just books about your child. They include your child in the story. As you can imagine, having a girl and a boy, we have a house full of super heroes and princesses. KD Novelties publishes personalized children’s books with all of your children’s favorite characters, from Elmo to Beauty and the Beast. We decided to get Justice League and the Disney Princess Collection.

The look on Jonah’s face when we read the Justice League book is priceless! Not only does Jonah help the Justice League save the day in his own city, but he gets to tell his friends all about it in the book. His dreams literally came true page after page! The Princess book is a 3-in-1 book. In My Adventures with Cinderella, Addison lives right near Cinderella and is her friend! In My Adventures with Sleeping Beauty, Addison and Briar Rose share the same birthday and in My Adventures with The Little Mermaid, Addison and her friends are at the beach celebrating her birthday when she meets Ariel. The pictures of the Disney Princesses throughout the story and the personalization of cities, dates and names make a little girl feel like a real princess!

I See Me personalized books

Personalized photo books

I See Me also offers personalized books. There are so many to choose from, but I love the photo personalized books. The kids are changing everyday, so I love that the printed photos in the book will always let them know when they received these books. Jonah’s Pirate Adventure not only has his name in the book as one of the characters, but his name and initials are all throughout the books. The treasure box is labelled “Jonah’s Treasure” and the sail on the boat has this initials “JCG” on it on. When children are learning to read, it is so important for them to see print in a variety of ways, such as a label and in the text of the sentence. We even got to name his parrot one of his friends name which Jonah thinks is hilarious!

With Addison’s birthday coming up, we got her the book It’s Addison’s Birthday! to get her ready! Many pages of the book contain her photo, which makes my almost 3 year old shriek with excitement! This special book focuses on her on her birthday and making sure the whole world knows, which is exactly how I feel birthdays should be!

Lost My Name

Books about your child

The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home is an amazing book for every child. While Jonah’s parents think he is sleeping in bed, he travels through space with his friend Hubble. Jonah sees his name in stars but shortly after, their navigation system breaks. Jonah and Hubble can’t find their way home! After meeting creatures in outer space, they find their way back to earth. They search for our country, then a landmark in our city and then finally home! The google map selection during the ordering process ensures that the location is correct! Before you know it, Jonah finds his house and is back in his bed before morning! This book is amazing to help kids understand that we are a small part of a big universe!

Wonderbly also has another great personalized book, The Little Girl who Lost her Name. One morning, a little girl wakes up to find that her name is missing from her door. She goes on an incredible adventure and meets wonderful creatures on the way who share a letter with her at each stop. The angel, dragon, donkey and Imp all help her to find her name on her journey. I love reading this book to Addi, as she is beginning to identify the letters in her name. She gets so excited when she sees the letters she knows and learns unfamiliar ones as we read.

I am a big fan of personalized books. I have been ordering them for birthday gifts for a long time and continue to build our own collection. In addition to books, these companies offer a variety of personalized items such as Personalized Milestone Cards, growth charts, personalized music and more!

Meet the Author | Jenna

Jenna Greenspoon is a mom & stepmom to 4 kids between the ages of 8 and 13. She loves staying up to date on all things kids and makes sure she is on point with the latest childhood trends! She is the owner of Savvy Sassy Moms and manages a team of creative contributors that work hard to keep moms up to date on the latest trends. Jenna loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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