Neat-Os Is The Ultimate Reusable Storage Bag

In Back to School, Kids by Guest Writer2 Comments

It’s become a semi-standard thing to have reusable snack and sandwich bags in my house. (When not using reusable bags we use snap lid plastic containers.) I’ve tried many different types of reusable sandwich bags over the last 6 years and can say without any hesitation that neat-os sandwich bags are my favorite.

What these bags are made of

neat-os details

The one thing that I love love love about these bags is that they have a see through window so you can see what’s inside of them. They are also the most earth-friendly people-friendly bags out there. I love the coated canvas because it makes it so nothing sticks in there for life. Every piece of the neat-os bag is made in USA too!

neat-os are made of FDA certified food-safe materials.  All materials have been certified as bisphenol-A (BPA) free, phthalate free, PVC free, lead free and non-toxic.  The fabric is a cotton canvas that was designed for chefs and is coated in food safe plastic, that can withstand high temperatures and is non-abrasive, making it easy to clean lots of different ways.

Keeps produce fresh

One of the best things about Neat-Os is the fact that it keeps produce fresh for a long time. With the gallon size bag you can actually store produce, and have it stay longer in your refrigerator. Even when I use the snack size bag for apples or carrots for the kids lunch they come back as fresh as they left the house.

More about neat-os


The uses for neat-os bags is infinite. While it’s great for fresh produce and can be taken with you to the store for all of your produce needs it’s also just as great for the dry goods and snacks. It is an all around great reusable bag for packing lunches.


Once you get your bags your kids can decorate each one to make it their own by simply getting fabric markers. This way your child’s bag will be more likely to come home, and not get lost. Of course they’ll love being able to show off their artistic prowess to all of their friends.

It’s super easy to clean your neat-os bag. You can put them in the washer and dryer or in your dishwasher. The more you wash them the softer they get.

neat-os comparison

how neat-os compares

If you are looking for the best reusable storage bag look no further than neat-os.

Meet the Author | Guest Writer

This post was written by someone who we think has some pretty savvy ideas! We love sharing creative, informative and fun things form guest contributors!

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  1. These bags are a great find! With school back in season it is great to have functional and reusable bags for snacks and to use in lunch boxes; it’s even better that they are colorful and fun! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Do you know where I can buy them? I’m from Argentina and Amazon have no stock…

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