My Summer favorites from Tea Collection

In Kids, Kids Fashion by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment

Going on a summer vacation usually means buying some new summer clothes for the kids to wear, I always can’t help but think about the pictures that will be taken. Not to mention, if your kids happen to have grown a bit some things naturally won’t fit any longer and everyone feels better in some fresh new clothes.

I love Tea Collection clothing for kids because each collection is unique and always represents a different part of the world and culture.  From beach boys to trendy traveling toddlers they have great clothes that look great even after you wash them a hundred times.  These are also the types of clothes that get passed down or given to close family friends because of the quality.

Boys Surf Summer



I love shopping for boys clothes and making my little guy look handsome. The best part about boys is that they will typically wear whatever you tell them to.  they don’t make a fuss or have a real strong opinion on the matter. My son actually likes to pick out his own clothes from time to time and he does a pretty good job of it.  With our move to Costa Rica I have been buying some surfer dude worthy items since we’ll be living at the beach and he will no doubt be a beach bum living in board shorts and flip flops.  All of these items are perfect for any beach vacation or hotel pool hoping this summer.

Tredy Little Traveler



Undoubtedly, you will always pack more for the girls that’s for sure. Mine and my daughter’s pile of clothing when we travel is always a little larger than the boys and that will probably never change. Here are some cute outfits I love for the sightseeing little ladies. Can’t you just see her skipping through the park, petting animals at the zoo and grabbing some ice cream. All picture worthy outfits indeed.

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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