Mother’s Day Twitter Party and Pinterest SOCIAL #givemomstyle

In Style by savvysassymoms6 Comments

Mother's Day Style

Monday, April 29th
6pm PST  / 9pm EST
Hosts:  @savvysassymoms @momtrends @powermomsmedia
Sponsors:  @LandsendPR @LaylaGrayce @Cardstore @InnoBaby @LaPapierStudio


Follow Savvy Sassy Moms on Pinterest
Follow Mom Trends on Pinterest

Follow our GiveMomStyle Pinterest Board

How to Participate and WIN

1.  Follow the #GiveMomStyle hashtag on Twitter
2.  We will prompt you to answer 6 questions and Pin from the sponsors websites.
3.  Pin items you like to any of your own Pinterest boards and use the #GiveMomStyle hashtag in the description.
4. Share you pin to Twitter  (you can enable twitter sharing in Pinterest settings
5. Re-pin Savvy Sassy Moms or Momtrends pins throughout the night


4 Winners will win via their tweets on Twitter
2 Winners will win from re-pinning Savvy Sassy Moms or MomTrends on Pinterest


We have 6 beautiful gift sets to giveaway throughout the night.  You must pin items with the #GiveMomStyle hashtag and share your pins on Twitter.

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Prize #1
Layla Grayce Skip Hop PlaySpot
Lands’ End Beaded Cluster Necklace
Innobaby Prize Pack
Le Papier Studio Pretty Papers Parties Book
Cardstore – free card code for and $50 gift card to spend with 1-800 Flowers for the ultimate card and flower combo gift for Mother’s Day!

Prize #2
Layla Grayce Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo Activity Play Gym
Lands’ End Beaded Cluster Necklace
Innobaby Prize Pack
Le Papier Studio Pretty Papers Parties Book
Cardstore – free card code for and $50 gift card to spend with 1-800 Flowers for the ultimate card and flower combo gift for Mother’s Day!

Prize #3
Layla Grayce  JJ Cole Diaper Bag Ash Woodland
Lands’ End Beaded Cluster Necklace
Innobaby Prize Pack
Le Papier Studio Pretty Papers Parties Book
Cardstore – free card code for and $50 gift card to spend with 1-800 Flowers for the ultimate card and flower combo gift for Mother’s Day!

Prize #4
Layla Grayce Rosanna Portico Pink & Grey Bag
Lands’End Beaded Cluster Necklace
Innobaby Prize Pack
Le Papier Studio Pretty Papers Parties Book
Cardstore – free card code for and $50 gift card to spend with 1-800 Flowers for the ultimate card and flower combo gift for Mother’s Day!

Prize #5
Layla Grayce MOR Cosmetics Little Luxuries Gift Set
Lands’ End Beaded Cluster Necklace
Innobaby Prize Pack
Le Papier Studio Pretty Papers Parties Book
Cardstore – free card code for and $50 gift card to spend with 1-800 Flowers for the ultimate card and flower combo gift for Mother’s Day!

Prize #6
Layla Grayce Drops of Jupiter India Green & Gold Earrings
Lands’ End Beaded Cluster Necklace
Innobaby Prize Pack
Le Papier Studio Pretty Papers Parties Book
Cardstore – free card code for and $50 gift card to spend with 1-800 Flowers for the ultimate card and flower combo gift for Mother’s Day!

Party prizingInno Baby Prize Pack


Please RSVP to win prizing
Must be 18 years old and a US Resident


Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. Sorry, I messed up and put my email, will you delete it for me, I couldn’t find a way to delete it. Thank you

  2. Wow this is going to be the best way to Celebrate Mothers Day. Thanks for the party ,, Cant Wait !!! @danitapia88

  3. Love your parties! Looking forward to this one! @cammi1972

  4. cannot wait and its my birthday! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!

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