Are you constantly being interrupted while engaged in intimate moments with your significant other? When you become a mother, you gain so much, more than you could have ever imagined, but you also lose a few things as well. For example, as soon as your kids can move, you lose the right to go to the bathroom in peace! If you manage to get into the bathroom before one of your children follows you in, then you either spend your time in there listening to your children tell you that there is something wrong with the door because they can’t open it, or you see your child’s tiny fingers coming through the bottom of the door trying to touch you! We have all been there!
Parenting is full of interruptions
Motherhood is full of interruptions, from the beginning of the day until the end, some more welcomed than others! As my kids get older, I remind them to say ‘excuse me’ if they are going to interrupt a conversation, to be patient when I am on the phone and to knock on the door (or please wait just two minutes) when I am in the bathroom!
Night time is no different. In fact, sometimes, it’s worse because when I am asleep, the last thing I want is be woken up! But, motherhood is full of interruptions. At one point or another, someone is coming out of their bed to crawl into ours because of a nightmare, a thunderstorm or they just want a snuggle (to which I just can’t say no)! Our bedroom is our oasis, a place for my husband and I to relax together at the end of the day and to talk to one another without the children interrupting. It’s so important for us to have our time together and to find time to connect as husband and wife.
Planning date nights in advance
Once a week, on a Friday or Saturday night, we schedule date night to ensure we have some true alone time. One-on-one time is so important for any marriage as it is so easy to get lost in the daily routine of life and not make time to really connect. Date night is our time. Our time to focus on one another. Sometimes, we have the children sleep out at one of their grandparents houses so that we can have the whole house to ourselves, but even when the kids are out, we always have an ear out for a phone call in case someone needs us! However, with busy lives, the grandparents aren’t always able to take the kids for the night.
After having two children, things aren’t as they once were which means that I need to plan ahead with Vagisil Prohydrate to make the most of our time together. Vagisil Prohydrate is a natural feel moisturizing gel that I can use up to three days in advance, so if the kids come a knockin’ I will be prepared for the next time we are alone. Dryness is a result of so many things, not just menopause which many women think. It can be a result of a stressful day, breastfeeding, or even other medications you might be on. While it may seem a bit embarrassing, once I casually opened the conversation with my mom friends, I realized that it is not as uncommon as I had once thought! I cherish the alone time I have with my husband and the last thing I want is to be interrupted by anything! Use this $4 off coupon to try Vagisil.
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