Kids Halloween Costumes from Etsy!

In Baby, Kids, Kids Fashion, Style by Franki1 Comment

It may seem early to start thinking about Halloween costumes for your kids, but if you have a Halloween-obsessed child like I do, then you’ve probably already been hearing about what they want to be for Halloween since…last Halloween! When it comes to Halloween costumes, I like to stray from the ones you find hanging on the rack at your local Walmart, but I also don’t want to spend an arm and a leg at the local costume shop. And I am the first to admit that I am no good at making costumes from scratch.

So what’s a mom to do?

While doing my weekly Etsy browsing, I came across some adorable, unique and affordable Halloween costumes and fell in love. Etsy is my favourite source for beautiful and fun handmade items that aren’t readily available at your local big box store, and when I saw the wide variety of Halloween costumes to choose from I was super excited to browse through them with my daughter to find her perfect costume.

If you want to get a head start on your little ones Halloween costume, take a look at my favourite picks from Etsy with your kids for some Halloween costume inspiration!

Batman Costume – $37.00 Sweet Things

This is a perfect costume for kids that are into all things superhero. The great thing about this costume is that it can easily have layers added to it if you’re in cooler climates, and the material will be comfortable enough to wear all night!

Dress Costume Wings – $46.05 Big Birds Boutique

How beautiful are these costume wings?? Your child can become a number of different things with these gorgeous wings — a fairy, an owl, a butterfly…anything! The great thing about these wings is you can customize the rest of your child’s costume however you like. And unlike most Halloween costumes that get thrown in a trunk never to see the light of day again, these are great for keeping for playing dress-up in the future.

Green and red monster gloves – $15.00 Snippet Fairy

Here’s another cool costume accessory that’s perfect for if you’re on a budget! Your child can become a dragon, a monster, a vampire, and anything else your imagination can dream up. These are especially great for being a functional item too — they can double as gloves if you live in a cooler climate!

Pebbles Costume – $39.50 rae gun

Yabba dabba doo! I love this sweeet little Pebbles costume for girls. The shop owner also sells a simple felt bone clip that you can add to complete the costume! This is a very low-fuss costume if you have a smaller child, and layering is easy with this costume if you end up encountering a cold evening. A classic costume!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costume – $44.00 Mudpies & Dragonflies

 I always said that if I had twins or had children that were very close in age, that I would dress them as Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween at some point! I only have one child, but I still think this is such a cute idea. Really great for babies/younger kids who don’t want to wear a bunch of make-up or an uncomfortable costume, but if you can convince your older kids to do this it would still be adorable!


Pirate Costume – $48.99 Mainstreet X

Nothing says Halloween more like seeing kids dressed up in those quintessential costumes that keep coming back each year. A pirate costume is one of my favourite Halloween costumes for kids. I love how well-made this pirate costume is, and how easily it could be worn for either a boy or a girl.

 Strawberry Shortcake Dress – $48.00 Lover Dovers Clothing

I am loving this Strawberry Shortcake-inspired dress for a Halloween costume! This is also a great piece that could be added to your dress-up clothes collection for future use after Halloween is over, and if you have little girls that love to dress up, I guarantee it will be used again and again. This is another costume that is easy to throw some layers on underneath (or overtop) for added warmth. Even better if you can find a hat that looks similar to what Strawberry Shortcake wears!

Newborn Super Hero Costume – $25.00 Mahalo

Do you (or will you) have a small baby that you want to dress up for Halloween, but you don’t want to put them in a fussy costume that they will get hot or uncomfortable in? This is a really great idea! An adorable little superhero cape and mask. No itchy tutu, no hot animal costume, just a teeny mask and cape. The cape and mask colours can be customized to your preference. Any little super girl or super boy would look adorable in this!

What are your kids dressing up as this year? Do you make or buy your children’s costumes?

Meet the Author | Franki

As her Twitter handle reads, Franki is a "coffee-crazed, organic-obsessed, make-up addicted earth-friendly blogger mama." Franki is passionate about feeding her family the healthiest foods and helping other families make healthy choices as well as anything fashion, eco-chic or make-up related. She is a mother to one daughter who always keeps her on her toes!

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