Kid street style: Meet Malin and Josephine

In Kids, Kids Fashion by Katie KavullaLeave a Comment

Kid Street Style- Malin and Josephine

Meet Malin and Josephine

Up next in our kid street style series are two cute sisters that have got their style down. With a combination of patterns and colors that take toddler and preschool style to a whole new level, Malin and Josephine, who live in the Bay Area, are worth checking out.

When mom loves clothes

Kid Street Style

Photo credit: Bettina Crawford Photography

While Josephine, who is 18-months-old and Malin, who just turned four, certainly have their own favorites in their closet (Malin in particular!), their stylish, creative mama, Denise, plays a bit of a hand in their style as well. With a degree and background in fashion merchandising (Psst! She used to work at Barney’s!), Denise loves dressing them and calls their look “tomboy chic meets urban hipster.”

Denise shares with us, “Malin has started to develop her own style, which has been fun to watch grow. She loves mixing patterns and colors, as well as picking out her own outfits and even outfits for her sister and myself.”

Where to shop

Kid Street Style

Photo credit: Bettina Crawford Photography

With looks that certainly didn’t come off of the rack, Denise shares her favorite places to shop for the girls. “I have grown an appreciation for small business owners and for other mamas who are doing this,” Denise, who owns an Etsy shop, Wiselooks, tells us. “I’ve found so many great companies via Etsy and Instagram where I love to buy clothes for the girls.”

Some of Denise’s favorite shops for clothes and accessories for Malin and Josephine include Duchess and Lion (Instagram: @duchessandlionco), James Vincent (Instagram: @jamesvincentdesignco) and Neve/Hawk (Instagram: @neveandhawk).

For basics and staples, Denise hits up her favorite mainstream shops to fill-in Malin and Josephine’s wardrobes, such as GAP, Peek, American Apparel, and Zara.

Get Malin and Josephine’s look

Kid Street Style

To recreate Malin and Josephine’s kid street style look for your own girl, give some of these pieces a try. Brown Floral Headscarf, Wiselooks via Etsy, $15, Brown Sugar Soft Linen and Dots Bloomies, James Vincent, $35, Kids Printed Cotton Spandex Jersey Short Sleeve Leotard, American Apparel, $26, Salt Water Sandals, Zappos, $30


For more looks inspired by these stylish girls

Keep up with these stylin’ sisters on their mama’s Instagram account, @wiselooks, where she regularly posts sweet pictures of the girls and always tags the brands that they are wearing. You can also find Denise on her Etsy Shop, Wiselooks.



Do you have a little one with street style? Let us know!

Meet the Author | Katie Kavulla

Having just made the move from big city life to settle down in the town where she and her husband both grew up, Katie Kavulla is a mom of three who strives to slow life down a bit… as impossible as that is with three kids under the age of 10. A blogger turned writer, Katie has spent the past few years combining the things that she loves into a career, with a focus on helping other moms tell their story, because Katie truly believes that every mom has one to tell.

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