Grinchmas at Universal City Walk

In Events, Kids, LA Local, Travel by savvysassymoms1 Comment

We were invited to the Grinchams at Universal Studios and I highly recommend it if you are in the Los Angeles area while it is happening.  They turn a section of the park into a winter wonderland of Who-ville from the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. There is snow, funny looking Who’s walking around to meet & greet and pictures with the Grinch and his dog Max.  At night they have a tree lightening ceremony and a special celebrity reading of the Grinch story and a singing performance from the Who’s.  The Who-ville tree light show is pretty impressive! (see below)

Parent Beware:  We went on the studio tour and my son, he is 5 – he didn’t like it so much.  I didn’t realize that there were a few scary sections on the studio tour.  Particularly the dark tunnel where King Kong fights dinosaurs.  He wasn’t a big fan of the earthquake and rushing water coming at him either.  This has been the 3rd time we have taken this poor kid on a ride we thought was totally okay for him and been sadly mistaken.  However, our 7 year old daughter was totally fine with the studio tour.

He no longer trusts Mom and Dad and prefers to just play games and wants nothing to do with the rides.  Maybe we’ll try again when he’s 8.

We’re here!!!!

McKenna and Hudson with the Lorax

Do we know where were going?

Snow in Southern California

Gingerbread Cookie Decorating

He wins at these park games all the time!

The Who-ville Tree lighting

Happy Wholidays!

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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