The diaper bag. It is the accessory that I find moms agonize most over when buying. There are so many stylish diaper bags on the market today, and it’s hard to know what exactly to look for. I am a proud owner of not one, but two Timi & Leslie bags, and I have been coveting the OiOi Organic Ikat bag. But while designer and high-end diaper bags are always a great choice due to their lovely looks and functionality, sometimes you want something more unique, personal, and one-of-a-kind.
On Etsy, there is no shortage of beautiful and different diaper bags to choose from. They are still completely practical, but have that unique edge that you might not be able to find in one of the bigger brands. I love having pieces in my wardrobe that reflect my personal style, and a diaper bag should be no different! Etsy is the perfect place to find the bag that fits your style exactly, whether you were looking for one or not.
I found an enormous amount of gorgeous diaper bags on Etsy, but of course had to narrow it down. So I managed to narrow it down to some of my favourites to share. Whatever type of diaper bag you’re looking for, you can find it on Etsy. Enjoy!
Gray & Ecru Stripes Messenger Diaper Bag – $109.00
Oh my stars. What a gorgeous bag. This is a super-stylish bag with tons of room for all things baby-related. I love the red strap for an interesting pop of colour, and what’s even better? WATERPROOF.
Water Resistant Nylon Pumpkin Bag – $42.00
Here’s another great water-resistant bag in a gorgeous apple green colour. I love bags in bright, bold colours like this. The great thing about stylish bags like these is that it can be used as a purse once it’s done it’s duty as a diaper bag!
Black and White Chevron Diaper Bag – $68.00
Chevron is still really trendy, and I love it on a diaper bag! The bag is lightweight and big enough to carry all of your baby needs, plus a few things for mom too. I love the addition of the brown leather on the bottom. BONUS: if you enter the discount code SASSYMOMS when buying this bag, you can save 10%!
Navy blue & gray diaper bag – $43.70
If you tend to lean towards simple, yet chic & timeless pieces like I do, this is a perfect diaper bag! It can easily go with any outfit, fits all of your essentials and looks effortlessly stylish.
“Rhapsodia” Large Diaper Bag – $100.00
I love the bold and whimsical print of this bag. With the beautiful colour and tons of space this bag provides for your daily must-haves, it’s sure to brighten up your day!
Tote Purse Diaper Bag – $80.00
This diaper bag has such a soft and pretty colour palette. The straps are nice and thick, so you can pack as much as you need in here without having to worry about breaking a strap. I really like the pretty details of this bag.
Finnelopy Curry Yellow – $90.00
Looking for a statement bag? This bag has such a gorgeous pattern and I LOVE the bright yellow. The shape is also really great. This is definitely not a typical diaper bag!
What are your requirements for the perfect diaper bag? Do you go purely for function, or lean more towards style?
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Love these bags, especially the striped one from ikabags!