Cool Critter Shoes from Zooligans {Giveaway}

In Kids, Kids Fashion by Christina Montoya Fiedler20 Comments

It’s seems like my son outgrows his shoes every other week. Ok, that’s a total exaggeration, but you know how it goes with kids and their shoes. Growth spurts come with the territory. Shelling out new money for cool kicks is okay, as long as I can get behind the style and the comfort level for my kid.

That’s why Zooligans are shoes I can feel good about spending money on – excellent value and style. They come in a variety of animal designs – puppy, kitty, gator, raccoon, rabbit, monkey and more. Plus the shoes are specially designed to flex and move with your child’s feet for ultimate comfort. The shoes also have a wide and roomy toe box that gives little toes a place to grow, grip and flex, a key feature for healthy foot development.

Did I mention they have a super cool paw design on the soles so your child can make tracks as they walk? Kind of awesome, right? And after you done with your purchase you can up-cycle the box into a nifty pet carrier. The directions are right on the box, so you can’t go wrong!

Want your own pair of Zooligans for your child?

GIVEAWAY – Pin It to Win It!

How to Play:

Pin your favorite shoes  from this post and comment with the link from Pinterest with the pin of the shoes. Good luck!

Shoe #1 – Pin me!

Shoe #2 – Pin Me!

Shoe #3 –  Pin Me!

Shoe #4 – Pin Me!

Shoe #5 – Pin Me!

Contest ends on 11/12/12
Open to US Residents  only
May take up to 4 weeks to ship

Meet the Author | Christina Montoya Fiedler

Christina Montoya Fiedler is a Los Angeles native - born and raised. Before becoming a mom, and writing for various parenting sites so she could be home full time with her son, she was a publicist representing environmentally progressive architects and contractors - one of whom just finished building a home completely out of parts from a Boeing 747. Now that's cool!

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