easy kid birthday parties

20 Mom tips for easy kid birthday parties

In Holidays & Parties, Kids by Katie Kavulla1 Comment

Kid Birthday Party Tips

Real moms share about easy kid birthday parties

If throwing kid birthday parties makes your head spin, this is for you. We’ve chatted with our favorite moms who make party throwing seem effortless and they’ve shared their tips for easy kid birthday parties.

1. Kristin: “Weather permitting, get them outside. One of the best parties we’ve had was a scavenger hunts in our neighborhood business district.”

2. Melissa: “When throwing a birthday bash where there will be babies and toddlers, I like to have a few baby-friendly foods on hand. A basket full of food pouches or apple sauce, a container of puffy cereal, and a fruit cut into tiny bite-sized pieces are all good options.”

3. Shannon: “Blow up a ton of balloons, throw them out in an open area and crank up the music. The kids will do the rest!”

4. Carilyn: “If you’re having the party at your home, try to include an activity that has a start and a finish. Ideally, one in which guests can take their project home. It can double as their party favor!”

5. Margot: “Use an online invitation website, like Evite. The kids can easily see who was (and wasn’t) invited to the party, to avoid hurt feelings. And, moms can easily coordinate carpools!”

6. Jessica: “My tip for easy kid birthday parties is to make sure you never host one in your home… always rent a space!”

7. Christina: “We make paint chip garlands for decorations! They are free (home improvement stores don’t mind if you take a bunch… I’ve asked!) and you can use whatever colors you want. Use a straight line on the sewing machine and you’re ready!”

8. Melissa: “Keep the party short and sweet. And, don’t be afraid to ask parents to stay and help with their own child.”

9. Rachel: “My favorite parties to throw for young kids are early morning, say 10 a.m., serving donuts and orange juice. Easy peasy!”

10. Leora: “Only invite their closest friends to make it more affordable and meaningful. If they all happen to know each other, even better. This way, nobody feels like the third wheel.”

11. Autumn: “Ask a friend to take photos. You will be so busy tending to guests and making sure your kids aren’t handing out gift bags and pouring out bubbles that you won’t get a single snap!”

12. Connie: “Pay for extra teenage helpers!”

13. Angela: “Outsource! A fun day at a gymnastics or crafts studio is the perfect way to let your littles celebrate with something they love… and you can focus on enjoying the day with them.”

14: Lani: “Ditch the party bags filled with little trinkets in exchange for one thing that’s age appropriate and more meaningful. You’ll end up spending the same!”

15. Robin: “Our tip for easy kid birthday parties? Have them during the week, like after school or during the day, if your kids are little.”

16. Allie: “We always open gifts after all of the guest have left. It’s much less stress on the birthday kid, especially if they’re little and don’t understand why they can’t just play with the first gift they open.”

17. Ashley: “Pick a time of day that doesn’t involve a meal. Cake and ice cream are much easier!”

18. Megan: “Don’t spend a ton of time cleaning your house before the party. It’s just going to get dirty again. Quick vacuum, quick bathroom wipe down, put away anything that will break and call it good.”

19. Holly: “Ask parents about kid food allergies when they RSVP, then plan dessert accordingly. It’s much easier than realizing, mid-party, that half of the guests can’t eat the cupcakes you made.”

20. Robyn: “Our best tip for birthday parties is for the parents. Get a keg of the good stuff.”

What’s your best tip for easy kid birthday parties?

Meet the Author | Katie Kavulla

Having just made the move from big city life to settle down in the town where she and her husband both grew up, Katie Kavulla is a mom of three who strives to slow life down a bit… as impossible as that is with three kids under the age of 10. A blogger turned writer, Katie has spent the past few years combining the things that she loves into a career, with a focus on helping other moms tell their story, because Katie truly believes that every mom has one to tell.

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  1. I have hosted a lot of birthday parties and yes, I completely agree with #6, #10, #14 but these are all great tips! Awesome post!

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