It is quite possible that there is nothing more adorable in this world than babies in costumes (OK, rivaled only by puppies in costumes perhaps?). Whether this is your first Halloween with Baby or you’ve been thinking up a mini-costume since last year, it’s time to start getting creative and making plans for what your little one will don on this spookiest of occasions.
Being a little too practical for my own good, I don’t believe in investing big time for a baby/toddler costume since they won’t actually be trick-or-treating — let’s face it, all we really want is that adorable Instagram shot. Here are just a few ideas for pulling together a cute, quick, and easy costume for baby in just a few steps, with a focus on items you either already own or are easy to find. No crafting skills required!
A purrrrr-fect Halloween
For the Halloween purists out there, a black cat is an absolute classic, and best of all, so easy to pull off!
You’ll need…
1. Leopard print bodysuit
2. A hat or headband with cat ears
3. Kitten-themed shoes
A plain black bodysuit could be substituted for the leopard suit if you can’t find one, and cardboard or construction paper triangles could be easily attached to a regular baby hat. Add pants and a furry little jacket for colder climates!
Under the sea
Mermaids are so on-trend right now, popping up everywhere from runways to party decor. Here’s the scoop on how to get your very own little mermaid this Halloween.
You’ll need…
1. Green pants and/or skirt
2. Baby bikini top
3. Flower hair clips
This costume is even better if you live in a warm climate and can get cheeky pics by a pool!
Risky business
Let’s take it back to a little ’80s Tom Cruise because, why the heck not!? This costume is sure to get online ‘likes’ and offline love from the grown ups.
You’ll need…
1. Movie-star shades
2. A baby button-down shirt. Extra points if it’s light pink, like Tom’s!
3. Socks
Make this Halloween super easy on you and let your little one rock out in their diaper (that’s basically all they want to do anyway!)
Sweet as a strawberry
Any piece of fruit would make for a fairly simple costume, but a tiny strawberry is extra delicious!
You’ll need…
1. A plain red bodysuit
2. A green knit hat
3. Black round or teardrop-shaped stickers
This one will require a bit of an added step (securing the stickers all over the red bodysuit) and is not recommended for those babies in the put-everything-in-mouth stage for safety reasons!
Straight to Coachella
For the music festival flower child in all of us, this is an adorable costume for a little girl.
You’ll need…
1. Floral printed swing dress… bonus if it’s off the shoulder!
2. Tiny flower crown or headband
3. Rhinestone face and eye sparkles
If the idea of rhinestone stickers stresses you out (hello, chocking hazard!) then it’s an easy element to skip. Just pile on the accessories — bracelets, headbands, tiny fringe purse! The possibilities are endless
Don’t miss these 8 Last-minute Halloween costum ideas for moms
Raise the mainsails
Ahoy, mate! Suit up your little one with this easy, breezy nautical look.
You’ll need…
1. Blue and white striped bodysuit or tee.
2. Red pants or leggings
3. Teeny sailor hat like this or better yet, DIY one out of paper!
Go, team!
With football season in full swing, this is a simple, sporty option for your little number one fan.
You’ll need…
1. Football-themed shirt
2. Black washable paint
3. Mini foam finger
Pair the football shirt with a cute pair of jeans or any other pants, and switch out the mini foam finger for any other fan gear — pompoms, a banner, or even print out and place a beer label on your little one’s sippy-cup for a real laugh!
BONUS: Want to take your babe to a costume party or a spin around the block while trick-or-treating with older kiddos? Throw on your PJ’s, mess up your hair, grab a coffee mug and strap that little one in a front carrier and you have an instant “new mom” costume!
Hailing from the vibrant (if wintery) city of Toronto, Ali Maldoff now lives in sunny LA where she explores everything beachy and beautiful with her husband and baby daughter. She is a freelance writer, social media manager, and founder of the minty fresh food/lifestyle/DIY blog, Mint Sprinkles.
Instagram: @alimaldoff
Twitter: @alimaldoff
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