Face it being thrifty has not always been a word that you would want to use to describe yourself. There was a time when you might have been ashamed to be thought of as, dare I say it…cheap! God forbid being called “frugal” because clearly you are not a little old grey- haired lady sitting at home pinching her pennies, but being frugal is now fancy and trendy.
It has been the latest buzz word and getting a deal is now worth talking about (out loud) I personally prefer Savvy because is just sounds a little more stylish and smart. So I wanted to share with you where I have been feeling pretty darn stylish and smart, Zulily.com – It’s the SALE RACK that gets delivered right to your inbox!
Zulily provides exclusive access to daily deals on clothing, shoes, toys, maternity, infant clothing and even playroom decor for 30 – 70% off the retail price. This is a member only site but don’t worry there isn’t a fee for being a member – yup its FREE frugalistas! Zulily carries all the top baby brands, organic layette, funky kids clothes and even summer dresses and handbags for Moms. But just like the SALE RACK the good stuff goes quick so these deals last for only a few select days and then they are gone, so you better react quick!
I recently bought two Steve Madden maxi dresses for summer, saved $75.00 and love them! Shipping takes 7-14 so cool your jets sister your fabulously priced goods will arrive shortly. I have admitted to being a children’s clothing snob back in the day, feel free to read my confession The Baby Weats Prada but I have gotten wise in my age so whether you want to call yourself a Thrifty Mama, Savvy Sista, Frugal Fashionista, Daily Deal Diva, or a Sale Samurai all are better than a Broke Betty!
Zulily is giving away a $50.00 Credit
For you to keep up that Savvy Shopping Habit!
Enter the Zulily Giveaway
1. Comment and tell me what brands you love to buy for your kids
2. What name do you like best:
Thrifty Mama, Savvy Sista, Frugal Fashionista, Daily Deal Diva or a Sale Samurai
3. Re-Tweet this Zulily Giveaway
Extra Entries
1. Become a Zulily Member
2. Follow Zulily on Twitter
3. Like Zulily on Facebook
*This Contest ends at 11:59pm July 23rd pacific standard time
**This contest is open to US Residents Only
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, however I have been a fan and have shopped with Zulily prior to any sponsorship. My thoughts and feelings are entirely my own and completely honest. Savvy Sassy Moms only writes and suggests products and services that we personally like and want to share for the benefit of our readers.
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i love to buy organic soft clothing!
i like thrifty mama best
i am a zulily member
I love to buy Baby Gap/Old Navy but also am a huge fan of Ralph Lauren… but only when I can pick it up at a second-hand store… to frugal/cheap to pay retail.
I like to call myself a Frugal Fashionista myself.
I am a Zulily member!
I follow Zulily on Twitter (@kariellen)
I signed up for the Savvy Sassy newsletter!
(btw: contest ends on my wedding anniversary – this would be a better gift than what he will give me I am certain LOL)
I love to shop Target. They always have cute clothes and great prices.
I like Savvy Sista.
I love Carters, OshKosh and Gymboree for my kids. The Liberty of London line at Target is awesome too.
following zulily on twitter (as @seemamarun)
Frugal Fashionista
I joined !
I like Savvy Sista too!
I like to shop at Old Navy and the Gap for my girls.
I like to call myself Sale Samurai.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/kimmi78_sd/status/18694750294
I follow Zulily on Twitter @kimmi78_sd.
I “like” on Zulily Facebook.
I like savvy sista best 🙂
breejeeep @ hotmail.com
In real life my kids wear mainly Target & occasionally Baby Gap. But in my dream world I dress them in the Hazel line that was on Zulily last week. Loved it so much I did a post on it even 🙂 Crossing my fingers I win this one …
Btw, I like Frugal Fashionista
I’m a Zulily member
I follow Zulily on Twitter
LOVE just about everything!! So hard to choose 🙂
I like buying handmade clothes but otherwise, Baby Gap is always reliable (but expensive).
I like Savy Sista.
Tweeted the giveaway.
Following Zulily on twitter (@NMGiveaway)
I love h&m, nordstroms rack. old navy, gap kids, naartjie
I love savvy sistas
I follow zulily on twitter. 1amypugmire
fb fan of zulily. amy bolda pugmire.
I like Gymboree, Children’s Place, Ralph Lauren and Marmellata!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I like Frugal Fashionista!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Retweeted here:
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I’m a Zulily member!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I follow Zulily on Twitter (@sazzyfrazzy)!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I like Zulily on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I love Bumble bags, Aden + Anais, and Ergo wraps. I’m also a fan of BumGenius diapers! Daily Deal Diva is the name of choice!
I subscribe to zulily on FB
I’m also a zulily member (and just scored an awesome bumble bag!)
I usually buy gymboree, children’s place, old navy, and circo!
I like Sale Samurai
retweeted! http://twitter.com/uberabby2/status/18955363400
I follow zulily on twitter: uberabby2
Liked zulily on facebook
I love to buy Tea Collection clothes – super cute, cmfortable, and hold up so well to wear and tear.
I like “Thrifty Mama”!
I retweeted the giveaway. http://twitter.com/jenniferladd/status/19003204776
I’m a Zulily Member.
I follow Zulily on Twitter.
I like Zulily on Facebook.
I like Zulily on Facebook
I love buying GAP, Janie & Jack, Tea Collection and JCrew Cuts for my kids.
I am a member of Zulily
I like the name Daily Deal Diva
I like carters brand, osh kosh and others
how about thrifty deal diva
like on facebook
I like to buy these brands for my daughter:
• Matilda Jane
• Nest
• ZozoBugBaby
• Right Bank Babies
• Misha Lulu
• GAP kids
• Gymboree
• crewcuts
Loving Daily Deal Diva…rolls off the tongue!
I am a Zulily member – happily! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!
I also follow Zulily on Twitter @CatherineStern….
Just tweeted about the giveaway @CatherineStern 🙂
I love to buy baby gap, old nave, gymboree
I like thrifty mama
follow zulily on twitter
I don’t really follow brands. My oldest dd is almost a teen so she likes Hollister, Aero, etc. My youngest used to wear a lot of gymboree, but not so much anymore.
I became a member, also like the name Daily Deal Diva & I retweeted ~ momof2dancers
Budzie is my latest favorite
I like Gap Kids and Old Navy
I like the name Frugal Fashionista
I have been shopping around and really love Carters so far, affordable and comfy.
I like the name Savvy Sista
bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com
A Zulily Member
bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com
Following Zulily on Twitter @Xizelle
bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com
Liked Zulily on FB @Alisha Lesage
bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com
Gap, Old Navy, Gymboree…I don’t really shop brands just quality and cuteness, heh.
I like Daily Deal Diva.
I like to buy Lands End Kids and Old Navy.
I like to buy Old Navy, Children’s Place, and Gap.
I like Sale Samurai.
I like the Gap, Gymboree and esty shops and Daily Deal Diva
I like Luca Charles, Wishing Wear and Osh Kosh
I like Savvy Sista
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you on Twitter @cezovski and I tweeted
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I like Zulily on Facebook
Carol Anderson
digicats {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow Zulily on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I joined Zulily for their newsletters, etc.
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I love to buy Coco Bonbons collections. Such unique and quality items!
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