Finding time for yourself and indulging in creativity with Pinterest

In Living, Style by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment

As mothers it is often difficult to find the time to indulge in something that is just for us. Personal creativity can often suffer and wane during the height of our mothering careers, even when other creativity is at high demand with our children, school, and activities.

I found a wonderful solution to my creativity lulls, a spark that makes me happier and helps to generate some personal creative activity in my day and also helps when searching for that perfect inspiring way to teach your children, party theme or gift to give during the holiday season. Pinterestis a new web destination for creative inspiration and idea collection. On Pinterest you can follow others that curate ideas that are inspiring to you or you can create your own pinboards. It is an inspiration board type curating process and a place to go and search for the things that inspire you.

You can also install the “pinmarklet” on your bookmarks bar and while surfing the web or reading blogs, when you come across something you want to remember that inspires you or a DIY you want to try… Pin it! Pinterest links through to the blog post or website that the item was originally pinned from creating a wonderful cataloging for your inspirational ideas and a way for you to share your ideas and curated collections with others.

This week take the opportunity to indulge in your own creativity. Hop on over to Pinterest and pin a little of what you love!

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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