Jill Smokler is the blogger behind Scary Mommy , the philanthropist behind Scary Mommy Nation, a mother to three and one of the nicest people I’ve met. Which kind of makes her less “scary” but, then again, we all have a bit of Scary Mommy in us, no?
Jill is a refreshingly honest, witty and sarcastic writer who is one of the most authentic, down to earth women I have ever met. We here at SSM are so excited that her very first book, Confessions of a Scary Mommy has finally been released after much anticipation.
But we have a little secret….one of us…{points to self} had the luck of getting an advance copy. And let me tell you, it could not have come on a better day.
This is the email I sent to Jill shortly after I cracked open the book and read the first chapter:
I just read chapter 1….while Charlotte was jamming an Elmo microphone in my face trying to make me sing…. and I had tears in my eyes…because..it’s been hard for me lately….it’s not easy for me to admit that. And I think I needed your book right now. So thanks for sending it to me early. You’re the best.
It’s SO hard, written as Lily and I just had a screaming match over ripped leggings. Sigh.Jill
Reading Confessions of a Scary Mommy honestly made me feel less alone and judged in my journey as a mother. I felt less like I had to fit a mold and that was quite freeing.
What I love about Confessions of a Scary Mommy is it removes the veil of perfection. It allows us to laugh and cry and be completely ok with our choices as parents.
On the back of the book it asks you to recite these vows:
1. I SHALL REMEMBER that no mother is perfect and my children will thrive because and sometimes even in spite of me.2. I SHALL NOT PREACH to a fellow mother who has not asked my opinion. It’s none of my damn business.3. I SHALL MAINTAIN a sense of humor about all things motherhood.
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