Confessions of a Scary Mommy by Jill Smokler

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Jill Smokler is the blogger behind  Scary Mommy , the philanthropist behind Scary Mommy Nation, a mother to three and one of the nicest people I’ve met. Which kind of makes her less “scary” but, then again, we all have a bit of Scary Mommy in us, no?

Jill is a refreshingly honest, witty and sarcastic writer who is one of the most authentic, down to earth women I have ever met. We here at SSM are so excited that her very first book, Confessions of a Scary Mommy  has finally been released after much anticipation.

But we have a little secret….one of us…{points to self} had the luck of getting an advance copy. And let me tell you, it could not have come on a better day.

This is the email I sent to Jill shortly after I cracked open the book and read the first chapter:

I just read chapter 1….while Charlotte was jamming an Elmo microphone in my face trying to make me sing…. and I had tears in my eyes…’s been hard for me lately….it’s not easy for me to admit that. And I think I needed your book right now. So thanks for sending it to me early. You’re the best.
And her response:
It’s SO hard, written as Lily and I just had a screaming match over ripped leggings. Sigh.
I have twins…they are two, which says a lot about what I’m going through right now. I got Jill’s book on one of those days when I just wanted to crawl under the blankets and have someone else run the day for me.

Reading Confessions of a Scary Mommy honestly made me feel less alone and judged in my journey as a mother. I felt less like I had to fit a mold and that was quite freeing.

What I love about Confessions of a Scary Mommy  is it removes the veil of perfection. It allows us to laugh and cry and be completely ok with our choices as parents.

Confessions of a Scary Mommy shares Jill’s personal stories as well as the confessions of her blog readers, and the two together are a priceless combination that I plan to use as a reminder that I can make it through the ebbs and flows of parenthood.

On the back of the book it asks you to recite these vows:

1. I  SHALL REMEMBER that no mother is perfect and my children will thrive because and sometimes even in spite of me.
2. I SHALL NOT PREACH to a fellow mother who has not asked my opinion. It’s none of my damn business.
3. I SHALL MAINTAIN a sense of humor about all things motherhood.
This book, in our savvy, sassy opinions,  is a must read, so head over to Amazon and pick up a copy. 

Meet the Author | Nicole

Nicole is the Managing Editor here at Savvy Sassy Moms. She is a cabernet sipping, stiletto wearing mama to three girls. She takes pride in caring for herself and the fact that she's never owned a pair of "Mom Jeans". When Nicole isn't here with the other Savvy Mama's she's blogging at her personal blog Moments that Define Life or tweeting @MTDLBlog

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