Moms must have Thirty-One bags {WINNER}

In Living, Style by savvysassymoms155 Comments

Congratulations to Vanessa V. she is the WINNER of this giveaway!

I feel like i have been living under a rock!  Do you know about Thirty- One?  I am a little embarrassed to say I had never heard of this company, and I am suppose to be up on all the latest and greatest stylish stuff for Moms!  Well, maybe it has something to do with me being on the west coast and Thirty-One is a company that started in Tennessee and has been building a fierce following with the east coast Moms.  But now it is starting to trickle on over to the west.

Thirty- One is a dynamic company that not only makes amazing products that help the modern mom stay organized and stylish but also helps savvy moms create a business for themselves too.  Yup, you can become a consultant, host parties and sell these fabulous products and still be room mom and not miss a singel soccer game.

Thirty-One bags offers fun and sophisticated styles to suit everyone’s taste.  They carry everything from lunch totes, luggage, handbags, storage solutions, home office organization, kids lunch bags, cosmetic bags, coolers, laptop cases and more!  One of the best features is that most of the products are customizable with your name, child’s name, business, team name, school or simply labeled as what ever you might be using them for  (Laundry, Books, Stuff, Toys) My kids and I were lucky enough to receive a few of our own custom items!

**Giveaway Alert

My son Hudson was thrilled to take his new lunchbox to school.

Finally, a place for my daughter’s Beanie Boo’s!

My own Savvy Sassy large tote for storing all the products I receive!

Meet Katie an Independent Director with Thirty-One, a fellow mompreneur and the epitome of what a Savvy Sassy Mom is.  Please read her story, it is an inspiring one and one that sounds VERY similar to my own and probably some of yours.  I have literally said some of the exact same things katie mentions.  I echo her passion & ambition.

Why Thirty-One?

I started selling Thirty-One a little over two years ago, midway through my pregnancy with my third child. My husband and I were looking for a way to bring in a little more income that would still allow me to stay home with my kids. I’d always stayed away from direct sales, because I’m shy. But I had also had never encountered anything I was interested in selling.

I took some time off after my daughter was born because I just wasn’t sure if it was the right fit for me. I wasn’t having the same huge successes as some consultants around me (I blamed their genetic advantage of extraversion), so I dabbled without committing. It wasn’t until one night, while holding my daughter as she slept, that I realized I was setting a bad example for her (and for all my kids). Through my own behavior, I was teaching them that it was okay to do things half- heartedly, that as long as you had a good enough excuse, you could quit anything. That night, I decided to change my life, and to prove—to myself and my kids—that no matter what, if you set your mind to something, work hard, and persevere through challenges, you can achieve anything.

This is the reason I sell Thirty-One. Not only because it is a great company, not only because the products are fantastic, but because of my kids. I sell to teach them to build their own dreams, their own confidence, and their own strength as people. Every mother wants to show her kids that they are treasured and worthy, and that they can have the world if they reach for it. I believe that selling Thirty-One teaches my children that they can live out their dreams—even when their dreams are hard work—rather than just wishing for them to come true.

The Thirty-One Catalog is filled with pages of great products to help you navigate your way through Motherhood.  You’ll have to look through it at least 3 times!  You can place an order through Katie’s website or get your girlfriends together by hosting a party and have a consultant come to your home!

*Please contact Katie for all things Thirty- One! 

Thirty – One GIVEAWAY!!
One winner will receive: An expand-a-tote, large utility tote and a 5th Ave handbag! ($200 value)

 An Expand-A-Tote ( $49)

A Large Utility Tote embroidered with “stuff” on it  ($37)

5th Avenue Large Handbag ($125)

To Enter:
Leave a comment for each on you do.1. Please comment telling me what makes YOU a Savvy Sassy Mom?2. Tweet this:  ” I just entered the Thirty-One bags giveaway on @savvysassymoms ($200 value) “or

Share this link on Facebook:

Extra Entries:

3.  Follow katie on Twitter @mulcahymom

4. Like Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook

5.  Subscribe to the Savvy Sassy Newsletter


*This giveaway is open to US Residents only
*This giveaway ends on April 13th at 11:59pm PST

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I’m always trying to save my family the most amount of money, I try to shop and live frugally and I’m really focused on reducing our carbon footprint!


  2. I juggle work and a commute and taking care of the house — and still really try hard to make sure I have fun and enjoy my kids whenever I can!

  3. We have learned to live on less than half of what we made combined prior to having kids. Now I can stay home with the little munchkins while my husband brings home the income. I’m always looking for more ways to save, and winning this contest would be perfect because then I wouldn’t have to go buy a replacement purse for the one I just broke!

  4. I “Like” Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook.

  5. I am subscribed to the Savvy Sassy Moms newsletter.

  6. I’m a savvy, sassy mom because I am always trying to be frugal, I always trying to be more “green” and I have fun with the kids whenever I can.

  7. I like to save my family money when I can, I do some research before big purchases to shop for the best price and also save by going the DIY route 🙂

  8. I followed Katie on twitter as @ngelicamtz

  9. i’m savvy by using cloth diapers (even w/ baby #2)

  10. I try to teach my kids to live as kindly as possible. Kind to each other, to themselves and to everyone and everything around us. That makes me a savvy sassy mom!

  11. I love to come up with new uses for products we already have to save us money on buying new. I’m a huge thrifter and coupon clipper!
    schkinner at yahoo dot com

  12. i’m a savvy sassy mom cuz i know how to get everyone to handle their tasks w/o tormenting them to death!

  13. i Follow katie on Twitter @mulcahymom (@janejoeyxo)

  14. i Subscribe to the Savvy Sassy Newsletter
    calliope_123 at hotmail dot com

  15. I always shop for the best price while looking good doing it

  16. Like Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook (jeannine drenchek-scavo)

  17. My friends know that i am the go-to mom for all of the deals and events in the area.

  18. I follow kate on twitter @secretsofkristi

  19. I’m savvy because try to save where we can as a family of (almost) 5! My kids do not lack anything and are also becoming financially educated!

  20. I ‘like’ savvy sassy moms on FB!

  21. I am a savvy sassy mom for reading your blog

  22. I am a savvy sassy mom because we try to save any way that we can! I use coupons and try to re-use and make things myself to save money and also recycle. I try to teach my girls to be kind to themselves and all others around them!

  23. Liked Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook!

  24. Subscribed to the newsletter too!

  25. I am a Sassy mom because I change purses every night to match the outfit of the day!

  26. I am a Savvy Sassy Mom because I am a working mom that is able to find time to spend quality time with my son

  27. I’m a Savvy Sassy Mom because I am a doula. As a doula I “mother the mother”. It is truly rewarding providing emotional and physical support to women during and after birth. I am also an artist & milliner, so that makes me extra sassy. 🙂

  28. I always shop for savvy and sassy clothing but at and affordable price
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  29. like on facebook
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  30. newsletter subscriber
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  31. I am a student and am always looking for creative and cute storage items. Living in a 10×13 space is a challenge and having to carry so much with me, I need sturdy and cute bags

  32. Iam a sassy mom, because Im smart, pretty and funny! And I pass this on to my girls.

  33. I’m sassy and savvy because I coupon and shop with my kid – all with heels on 😉

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. I’m a sassy and savvy mom because I’m witty & bubbly and passin’ it right along to my little one.

  35. I am a savvy sassy mom because I search online for the best prices and teach my children about saving money.

  36. I Like Savvy Sassy Moms on Facebook(Kelly D Saver)

  37. I Subscribe to the Savvy Sassy Newsletter under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom

  38. I am a savvy sassy mom because I am doing a pretty decent job of managing our finances, especially when it comes to saving money (and some self control).

  39. Hmmm…well, I guess I am a savvy sassy mama because I try to care for my family by also being conscious of our environment and people around me. We use cloth napkins and such. We compost and are careful with the money we have! 🙂

  40. I’m a savvy sassy mom because I let my children discover who they are but still set limits. And I’m pregnant with #3 🙂

  41. following katie on twitter! (@danniemarlee)

  42. I am a savvy mom because I go to school and still take my kids to the park, cook dinner and spend as much time with them as I can!!! =)

  43. I juggle everything for my work, myself, and my son while being 9 months pregnant! I think that makes me savvy and sassy.

  44. I’m a savvy sassy because I look for ways to stretch my dollar.

  45. I am savvy sassy – I love a great deal on a product that I can really use.

  46. I just became a consultant about 6 weeks ago and I love it! Doing parties is fun and the company has great incentives! Hopefully this will turn into much more than a hobbie for me!

  47. I’m thrifty and I’m not afraid to work for it!

  48. I’m a strong single mom who does all she can for her kids on a tight budget…i like to find ways to get the most outof every dollar

  49. Follow Katie on twitter: polishprincez

  50. Like Savvy Sassy Moms on FB
    PhyllisAnn Hadick vandenBosch

  51. I am a Savvy Sassy Mom because I know how to save money while still having what we need.

  52. I’m a savvy sassy mom because after I raised 2 “cool ” sons, I took in 4 rescue pets as my new babies. Either, that or I’m crazy… I also work full time,
    Thank you

  53. I have a “mommy bag” which is currently a backpack. It carries a variety of “just in case” items like 1st aid kid, flashlight, snacks, bug spray and sunscreen, drill, extra pocket knife. You name it, its in there. HOWEVER I have never found just the right bag that says “Cute and Prepared” rather than “paranoid woman steals kids backpack”.

  54. I am a savy sassy mom because I love to search the internet for the best deals on fashion, on anything! Love Thirty-One!

    sherwalk at yahoo dot com

  55. I don’t know how sassy I am but while I sit at 2 hours of swim practice, I’m able to get lots of coupons cut and my lists all ready to go.

  56. Savvy Sassy Mom because I get the deals at the end of season

  57. I don’t know if I’m Sassy but I am savy – I stock up when there is a sale on things we’re always using!

  58. I was a sassy mom, but even sassier Grandma. Just ask my granddaughters who think I am super cool.

  59. I’m not sure about sassy, but I’m savvy enough to know who to ask for help when it comes to creative, inexpensive ideas for fun projects with the kiddos, food that won’t make my 4 year old pretend to throw up, and taming those temper tantrums that make the whole neighborhood wonder what on earth is going on in my house.

  60. I think I am sassy as I don’t mind giving my opinion when asked. I am savvy as I know how to save money and make do with a little.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  61. I like you on Facebook.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  62. I follow you on twitter.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  63. I subscribe.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  64. I am a savvy & sassy Mom because I’ll speak up if there is a problem and I apologize if I am wrong.

  65. I am because I search for deals for my family.

  66. subscribed

  67. I am both Savvy and Sassy because I always keep myself up to date by reading all the current articles I can about children and I also keep up with the lastest styles and trends.

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