10 Ways to brighten up your home this winter

In Living, Style by savvysassymoms2 Comments

10 Ways to brighten up your home this winter
Are you stuck inside climbing the walls and counting the days until Spring Break?  Well, I think winter is a great time to spruce up your place and a great way to distract yourself from the “polar vortex” and winter blues. It’s time to stop pinning all the things you want to do for the home and start actually doing them! Not only will these simple winter home decor ideas help you spruce up your home, but they will give you something creative to work on and force you to bundle up and get out of the house.  Feel free to stop at Starbucks and reward yourself for making it outside and your home decorating accomplishments!

1. Hang a chandelier

This is a perfect way to literally brighten up a room and it takes some sourcing and shopping, which will be fun and help pass the time. Hanging of the chandelier however, may take some more skill and you may need to enlist the help from your hubby, your dad or a neighbor.

2.  Frame some art

Find a print that you really like and order it.  After it arrives head to the closest framing store and help choose the matting and the frame style that you like. This is another fun and creative task that will get you out of the house — and while you’re out, find a few other things to do and pick up a coffee!

3.  Add some greenery or a pop of color

Just because your garden is covered in four feet of snow that doesn’t mean you have to forget about green until spring. Head to a nursery and find some house plants that need very little sunlight or find some fake plants or flowers to update your winter home decor with. A simple pop of green on the kitchen counter or next to your bed will remind you that winter will eventually come to an end.

4.  Mirror, mirror on the wall

Decorative mirrors are a great way to accent a dark hallway or dress up an entry. Mirrors also look great on the fireplace mantel. Changing up the mirror and accents on your mantel can make your living room look brand new again. Make sure the scale of your mirror is not too big or too small for the wall and space.

5. Change out your pillows

No need to buy a whole new couch, just add some new pillows to spruce up your winter home decor. Use an eclectic mix of pillows so it looks fun and inviting. Being too matchy-matchy is boring and makes a room look flat. Find pillows that can also work in other rooms, so in the future you can mix and match from what you already have.

6.  Freshen up with candles

Refresh the room by bringing in scented candles but buying some fun candle holders, pillars and small trays to cluster candles on the dining room table, in a bathroom or in the kitchen will also look decorative too. You can also use rocks and stones in clear vases to add some color and be an element of design in the room.

7. Decorative storage boxes

We all have things we are holding on to that we should either sort, sell or get rid of but we just can’t.  We might wear it one day or we need that paperwork just in case or those pictures from college that you’re going to put in albums, one day.  Okay well, until that day — why not store them in something pretty?

8. Tidy up with baskets

These are great for clearing the clutter from entryways and for organization in laundry rooms. Baskets are the quickest and easiest way to put things away without having to truly put them away. Don’t let this get out of hand — I mean you don’t want your home to be overrun with baskets — but for shoes, dog accessories, technology, books and kitchen supplies, baskets can really help keep things organized.

9.  Create a walk down memory lane

You know all those pictures you should get out of your phone and printed? Well, do it already! An easy way to decorate a wall or a room is fill it with the faces and places you love.  You can choose to either stick to a theme — like all children, all family, or one memorable vacation — or a collection of favorite travel destinations or vacations or choose a random assortment that spans throughout the years.

10. Organize and display with trays

Trays help add a little place for small things, books, candles, jewelry, accessories and drinks. Using trays on ottomans, beds and on counters make things that need to be out look a little less like they are just lying around.  When you put all your beauty supplies, lotions and essentials on a tray in the bathroom they’re in a place of their own… but if they are just on the counter, you might think they were left out.

Do you have any winter home decorating tips to share?

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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  1. I love all the pretty home decor ideas. It does get gloomy and dull in the winter; that’s why I always start a really time consuming, yet fun, project at the beginning of each winter. This way, the winter flies by and I hardly notice. It’s usually some type of creative project. This winters project is the biggest so far. I’m writing a book.

  2. Awesome ideas! I need to implement a few of these in my home — the dreary Canadian winter is getting to us!

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