It’s that time again, moms! Back-to-school is upon us and I, for one, could not be more excited. However, with going back to school comes early bedtimes, which leads to early mornings and the inevitable rushing out the door. While I can’t get your kids dressed and out the door for you, I can introduce you to one product that will make at least one part of the morning rush that much easier. Moms, meet Beddy’s.
Manic mornings
Nothing makes a room look clean quickly or creates everyday good habits like making your bed every morning. I do it, my kids do it, it’s just what happens when you get ready for the day. But the struggle is real. No, they don’t go off skipping happily to their rooms to make their beds while telling me how much they appreciate how hard I work to instill good life skills in them during their impressionable young years. It’s more like the five stages of grief, but with more sobbing and yelling. And then, when the 6-year-old upgraded to a loft bed… forget about it.
Finding Beddy’s was a sanity-saver. Not only is it beautiful, high-quality bedding, but my daughter was actually excited to make her bed and it was soooo easy to do — just zip and go.
Zip ’n go
Beddy’s is the dream child of two lovely ladies out of Utah, Angie and Betsy, who knew there had to be an easier way to fight and win the battle of the bed. And, if this story sounds familiar, then you probably watch the show West Texas Investors Club where they absolutely killed it and won investment money for their ingenious product. Beddy’s is an all-in-one bedding set that includes your comforter, fitted sheet and top sheet in a one piece design that zips together for quick and easy bed making. The easiest way to explain it is to think of it like a sleeping bag attached to a fitted sheet, but on steroids.
Right off the bat, I was blown away by how luxurious the materials were. From the super soft minky fabric used for a top sheet to the cotton used on the outside of the comforters, it was all so posh. Now, I’m one for details when it comes to this type of thing and as much as I searched for somewhere they has skimped, I came up empty. Every ruffle was perfect, every trim was impeccably sewn, even the inside of the fitted sheet, you know, the part you never see, was lined in a coordinating fabric to match. Mind. Blown. And don’t get me started on the throw pillows that have a zipper on the back for easy washing. The throw pillows on my bed don’t have zippers!
How it works
First thing I did was, of course, throw it in the wash where it came out softer and fluffier than it was before. (Good to note: If you have a small washer like me, the comforter does completely zip off on both sides so I was able to wash the top and the bottom in separate loads.) Then up the bunk bed ladder I went. Like I said, putting the Beddy’s on your child’s bed is as easy as putting on a fitted sheet, and it really was. (Or as easy as putting a fitted sheet on a bunk bed can be, amirite?) Next, I laid the top comforter on top and zipped it up. There are two zippers, one on each side so it doesn’t matter which side you use as the in-n-out side, it’s all accessible. Lastly, I threw the adorable matching pillows up to my 6-year-old to style to her liking and I was done.
We’ve had the Beddy’s on the bed for about three weeks now and I have yet to have the “go make your bed” fight since. I’m so impressed by the product all around, and as some of you know, I’m pretty picky. I’d have to say, if there is one drawback at all it’s that my 6-year-old now has nicer bedding than I do and while nobody has yet to thank me for those life skills, at least the sobbing and yelling is down to a manageable level, and I can handle that.
Beddy’s bed sets come in sizes to fit toddler mattresses, twin, full, queen and even twin XL, which is perfect for dorm rooms! Matching throw pillows, bed skirts and blankets are also available to match any Beddy’s set you fall in love with.
Which is your favorite Beddy’s collection?
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