A peek inside the posh children’s suite

In Events, Kids, LA Local by savvysassymomsLeave a Comment



The “Sip & See!” event at the Chateau Marmont, Hollywood.

Timi & Leslie hosted a lovely afternoon for top juvinille brands to show off their stylish, luxe and oh so adorable products to editors and bloggers.  Known for their diaper bags that do not look like diaper bags, I met the Leslie of Timi & Leslie and asked “Which bag is the best selling?”   to which she replied “The Charlie ” and a Jessica Alba Favorite!

Baby K’Tan was on hand to give us the full experience of their unique and one of a kind baby wearing system.  I even put it on, baby and all!


Twirls & Twiggs – I mean there really isn’t a more whymsical line of girls clothes.  They combine the most beautiful fabrics, ruffles and trims to their designs!

MD Moms otherwise known as Baby Silk is famous for its SPF wipes but they were  showcasing their brand new line of fragrence & paraben-free,  UV Sheild 30+ SPF moisterizing lotion.

Coverplay is the ideal way to hide a tacky playyard that has been passed down or borrowed.  If you are traveling with kids this summer you may request a coverplay at most Marriott’s and just recently they have set sail on the Disney Cruises!

Little Giraffe the luxury baby brand that I have always been a loyal fan of.  I was able to see the new line of Muslin swaddling blankets and the new Bella blanket, which comes in a lush lavendar and a very sophisticated Flax color.  Simply delish. 

Meet the Author | savvysassymoms

Andrea is a Mom who hasn't lost her style to motherhood. Andrea loves social media and works on a variety of social media campaigns with brands big and small. Connect with Savvy Sassy Moms on Instagram

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