Happy New Year! We should get to know each other better. Instead of listing all the things I want to change and improve upon, I thought I would do something a bit different and share with you some weird, interesting, shocking facts about me. I wonder if anything will shock you or if we have a few things in common?
1. I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota – yeah you betcha!
2. I am the youngest of 3 and the only girl
3. My mom had two nicknames for me “Baby Girl” & Marshmallow Butt”, one still haunts me to this day.
4. I’ve been Dog Sledding, Ice Fishing and Winter Camping – brrr!
5. I’ve always secretly wanted to join the Military, just to say I survived Boot Camp
6. I got engaged in Venice, Italy
7. I’ve been Skydiving
8. I have a slight sugar addiction
9. I’ve helped Pam Anderson shop for her kids (not as a friend, as a retail associate)
10. I wear a size 9 shoe
11. I’ve been to the Playboy Mansion and swam in the grotto
12. I was in a sorority
13. I’ve drank beer at the real Oktoberfest in Germany
14. I graduated from the Fashion institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles
15. I’ve never watched a Basketball game, nor do I want to
16. I cannot sing or play any instrument
17. I’ve been to Tahiti
18. My husband and I auditioned for The Amazing Race, they still haven’t called:(
19. I’m a pretty decent Snowboarder
20. I love Indiana Jones
21. I failed my first behind the wheel driving test
22. I lived in Scottsdale, AZ for 1 very hot year
23. I’ve bungee jumped
24. I prefer wearing heels
25. My eye sight is horrible, I have stigmatism and cataracts
26. I have 3 Tattoo’s and wished I only had one
27. Sometimes I go to Target just to clear my head
28. I’ve won a watermelon seed spitting contest at summer camp
29. I pretty sure I could make it to the final 3 on Survivor
30. My first job was at Burger King
Tell me which one shocked you the most?
Do we have anything in Commmon?
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Ahhh!!! Love it all!! We share #17 🙂 we went to Tahiti for our Honeymoon (and Bora Bora since it was so close!!)
Thanks for sharing 🙂
MUST know more about..
What store and what she bought (Pam)
More details on the Playboy mansion swimming
Dude! I totally swam in the Grotto WITH Pam Anderson!
I do go to Target to clear my head. I’m the youngest and only girl (of 4) and got engaged in the Mediterranean as well (on Santorini).
xo & Happy New Year. Great List!
I’m your mom and I didnt know two things about you. One you also have cataracts and you loved Indiana Jones,why??? he he
Indiana Jones…. Really?!?!!!??
Slight Sugar addiction. ha ha ha my mom and I put sugar on a LOT Of our food. So bad. Very nice list! I really enjoyed reading it and also gave me an idea to do for my blog. Very creative! oh to the tattoos. Yes. same boat.
I go to Target to clear my head too–it relaxes me!
Let’s see I’m 1 of 3 and the only girl (in the middle though). I have a major sugar addiction. I go to Target just because, which is worse then to clear my head. I’ve always wanted to go on the Amazing Race, it would be so awesome if you were on. I have astigmatism and I had surgery like what they do for cataracts (the only implants I have in my body). I lived in Tucson, AZ for four years. I cannot sing or play an instrument. I love Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom is my fave). We’re like long lost sisters. LOL!
I loved the whole list! Do many things I didnt know! I think what I loved most is how varied everything is….you most certainly enjoy life 🙂 happy new year my friend!
We have so much in common! We should have a indiana jones Movie Marathon!
Because I love adventure and he’s kind HOT!
Target sure does have a way with us women!
Cheers! to a fantastic New year!
Please let us know what the 2 tattoos are that you wish you didn’t have! And where are they??? 🙂
I love your list! I think there a couple of things we have in common, but when I got to #27 I laughed so hard that I forgot the others we have in common.
I not only have been known to clear my mind in Target, but I also have been known to walk through Target just to allow myself a light stroll after a dinner out.