Meet the 2017 Britax B-Ready Stroller {Giveaway}

In Baby, Featured Giveaway, Giveaways, Kids by Nicole Yontz2 Comments

Britax, a name synonymous with safety and quality, has given their best selling B-Ready Stroller a few key updates for 2017 and they’re going to knock your socks off. Between the seamless convertibility from single to double, the quick fold feature, and the insanely huge storage, the 2017 Britax B-Ready will be the last and only stroller your growing family will ever need.

What's New About the 2017 Britax B-Ready Stroller

Key features

The 2017 Britax B-Ready stroller can be used as a single or double stroller with 12 different seating configurations. Have an older sibling who still likes to hitch a ride? Snap on a Britax Stroller Board and now all three of your children will be riding in style. The large foam-filled tires and suspension will offer your little one the smoothest ride on any terrain. I tested it out on grass, park sand and even the desert landscaping in my front yard and the B-Ready Stroller handled all with ease and stability.

This full-sized luxury stroller measures 44-inches from front to back when unfolded (just about 5-inches longer than its closest competitor) and 25-inches wide at its widest point. Overall, this is pretty standard for a stroller of this size, but I found that due to its incredible maneuverability, it was perfectly able to squeeze into tight spaces with very few issues. If you’re worried about height, don’t be — this stroller is ideal for taller parents with a fully-adjustable handle grip for making the transition between different height parents simple. I am 5-feet 4-inches tall, making the standard height for the B-Ready a bit too high for me, so I keep it lowered. Parents who are on the taller side will love that even the standard height is on the taller side.

2017 Britax B-Ready Stroller: What's New

As a single stroller

As a single stroller, the 2017 Britax B-Ready offers the signature Britax Click and Go System, which means it will accommodate any Britax car seat or bassinet without the need for adapters. It is also fully-compatible with any other major infant car seat brand with the use of the Britax Infant Car Seat Adapter (sold separately). The interior reversible seat has a width of 12-inches and depth of 9-inches — your child will probably reach the weight limit before they ever grow out of it. My personal favorite feature about the B-Ready is the completely flat recline (4-position options available) that adjusts with the flip of a tab at the top of the seat. No more digging around the back of the seat for buttons or pulling flaps, tabs, or straps. It is, hands down, the easiest recline adjustment I’ve seen so far.

Meet the 2017 Britax B-Ready Stroller

As a double

Probably the most impressive part of this stroller is its ability to go from a single to a double without adding bulk (with both seats, the stroller still folds down to an impressive 19 inches) or losing maneuverability. With 12 seating options, you can configure and reconfigure to fit your changing needs. The rear seat portion can accommodate a forward-facing seat and the infant car seat without getting the way, all with the bonus of the rear seat also having four different recline options, including completely flat! My one issue with double strollers has always been the loss of storage access with the added seat, so I was very happy to see that Britax addressed this with a zipper to remove the front mesh portion of the storage basket, giving full access with an opening large enough to slip a full-size diaper bag through with no problem.

Breaking down the features

Over all, I would have to say my favorite features include the absolutely massive canopy that has a large mesh window and flap (with genius little magnets that hold it open or closed), allowing for plenty of air flow (and peek-a-boo) — a necessary feature if you live in warmer climates, like myself. The second feature I love is the ridiculous amount of undercarriage storage accessible from the front or the back. I was able to do an entire grocery trip using just the stroller, which was magical as I had a grumpy, sleepy toddler with me. Other key features to look forward to with the 2017 Britax B-Ready are the always appreciated flip-flop-friendly one-step linked parking brake system, the large array of accessories including the snack tray, stroller board, bassinet, and five color options.

Now, for the parts you should also keep in mind. It’s a little heavy at 28 pounds with a single seat attached, slightly heavier than your average travel system. On the plus side, it feels very sturdy and well made so it’s a trade-off, depending on what’s most important to you. It’s also on the longer side when folded at 42-inches (as far as I can tell the longest when folded in it’s class). I have a crossover SUV (Jeep Latitude) and it just barely fits in with some wiggling. You might want to do some trunk measurements before you bring it home. Lastly, my giant pet peeve with stroller companies… no cup holders. (They are available for purchase separately, but still.)

If you’re still wondering if the 2017 Britax B-Ready is for you then hang on to your hats moms because I saved the best for last, the price. This fully equipped, luxury stroller travel system is at the lowest end of the single-to-double stroller price range, starting at just $500 with a single seat.

Win a 2017 Britax B-Ready Stroller

We’re giving away a 2017 Britax B-Ready Stroller to one lucky reader! You must be at least 18-years-old and a US resident to enter and win. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. All entries will be verified. Winner will be contacted via email provided to Rafflecopter and must respond within 24 hours.

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Meet the Author | Nicole Yontz

A SoCal girl transplanted to the Arizona desert, Nicole Yontz is the go-to girl for all things gear. She shares her home with her handsome husband, their two daughters (Audrey & Abbey), two dogs, one fish, and countless dust bunnies. When she’s not busy testing out the latest and greatest in gear on her darling little guinea pigs, you will often find her getting a pedicure as she does every single week. Because there’s no law that says you can’t.

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  1. This stroller looks wonderful! I’d absolutely love to be the lucky winner! Following both accounts on instagram @ JeniLeonard89

  2. Following both accts on Instagram under @yadi_cj thanks for the chance to win such a great stroller

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