How to “Win all the things!”
Baby registry BabyList has created the dream giveaway for mamas-to-be. From car seats to baby tubs to the most stylish high chair we’ve ever seen, The Ultimate Baby Shower: BabyList Gives Away the Store has it all. You can enter to win with just a few clicks!
Why you need BabyList Registry
Registering for baby items involves juggling safety ratings with style choices — and wishing you could combine your favorite boutique items with the popular stores that make it easy for shower guests to shop. BabyList Registry takes everything that can be frustrating about registering for baby items and streamlines your baby choices into one easy-to-use registry.
Why you really need the BabyList Registry Giveaway
BabyList Registry has gathered together the baby registry to top all baby registries, and they’re giving away all of it to a lucky winner. With over $5,000 in baby items ranging from the fabulous Stokke Xplory Stroller to a year’s supply of diapers and wipes from Honest Company, this is a must-enter giveaway for any mama-to-be. Not expecting a bundle of joy? Enter to win and make one of your pregnant friend’s wishes come true!
Why the BabyList Registry Giveaway is made for you
BabyList knows that even with their stellar choices — have you seen the adorable mamaRoo® infant seat — they can’t create a registry that’s perfect for everyone. The Ultimate Baby Shower is designed to give moms everything they need to welcome home their baby, but they want moms to have a chance to personalize the giveaway. One part of the prize list comes from the winner’s own wish list. Simply pin your gift of choice to Pinterest, and it will be added to the registry if (when!) you win!
Enter to win with BabyList Registry
Join the BabyList Registry mailing list and you’re automatically registered in The Ultimate Baby Shower: BabyList Gives Away the Store. There are more chances to win on their site — and you can check out the complete list of items included in the giveaway while you’re there.
Good luck savvy mamas! What’s your must-have baby item?
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